Queen Cupcake on a diet?!?!?!

Hello everyone!

Lets start with NO, I am NOT Queen cupcake because I eats too many of said delicious treats, I really only like making them. Mother said i should learn to cook healthy meals after coming back from School French Trip with two souvenir kilos but instead i found a knack for baking/sweet making (add a grain of salt or an iota of health into the mix and my recipes turn to disaster!) which hasnt helped my case. I told myself it wasnt so bad. my now too tight jeans disagree. i knew i looked a little bigger so i figured ignorance is bliss then nearly had a heart attack when the scales showed i was 15 kg overwieght. So, i need a little help. "what about you parents? your friends?" i hear you ask. well, my mother is morbidly obese (and rewards my diet with KFC) and my friends are all skinny - NO MATTER WHAT THEY EAT!!! - and they just dont get what the "big deal" is. What im really trying to say is that i need a few freinds to help me through with this. Anybody keen?

:flowerforyou: ?

Alda Lee

a.k.a HRH Queen Cupcake


  • mphwizzkid

    Cute post! I feel your pain. Although most of my friends are on extremes (both extremely small and on the larger side) I can understand what you are going through.

    Whats your goal? To fit back into your skinny jeans? or maybe eat healthier?

    Everyone is really supportive here....Welcome!
  • apoyser
    apoyser Posts: 35
    I feel your pain I'm married and my wife can eat whatever she wants she's 120 lbs, and loves to bake sweets it's frustrating but you can overcome these things it hard but doable