Drinking calories

kcmurray Posts: 33 Member
I am SO addicted to pepsi ... not diet pepsi ... plain old pepsi. I'm finding that I drink lots of my calories, and I am really trying to like diet drinks and water, but I HATE it. Does anyone else fight this battle? Am I just going to have to suck it up?


  • mariahruby
    mariahruby Posts: 130 Member
    if you are really addicted to pepsi, i would switch to pepsi max. no calories! but all the taste is there. obviously drinking any sort of soda is not good for you at all. but, if you might make a switch to something different i think that pepsi max would be your best bet. or just slowly start drinking less of it. not all at once, but gradually. :)
  • gennybunny
    I used to be addicted to diet dr pepper and have been diet soda free since January. I do indulge in a regular soda now and then but only after I drank all my water for the day. If you are drinking a lot of pepsi, I would suggest having a full glass of water between every cup of pop and soon you won't be drinking so much pop in a day.
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    I had to stop drinking sodas cold turkey. Now I have more energy, and I can eat more real food! I really like the fact that I don't crave sugar as much and that my waist is shrinking. If you really need a carbonated beverage, I like sparkly water with a little pineapple juice.
  • CriticalX
    CriticalX Posts: 212 Member
    i would just cut it all out. no benfit from it
  • celtickarasu
    I have this problem with sweet tea, and I'm from the south so my tea is SWEET tea. My dietitian said that if I drank 8 glasses of water a day, I wouldn't want tea anymore. I told her that if I had to choose between tea and oxygen, I would choose tea. So far I am right, and she is wrong. Water doesn't help, it just makes me feel sick. So I've made tea a reward, and only allow myself 3 glasses a day, and only then if I earn them-1 for getting out of bed on time, 1 for exercising, 1 for finishing homework.
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I LOVE coke!!!! So when I am trying to lose weight or live a healthy lifestyle I cut it out completely and just deal with it!! Otherwise I'll just want it more and more. You will get use to it. I never use to like water but now I love it!!! Its something you have to train your body to love and want over time! Its healthier for you to not drink it and you might find your weight loss better without drinking it. I think your best bet is to just give it up!! you can do it!!
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I LOVE Pepsi! I don't like artificial sweeteners as they have been linked to MS and a lot of other very scarey diseases like Alzheimer Disease and so one so I stay away from them. I just decided to quit pop cold turkey. After a few months when I'm well set into my new good habits I may decide to have a Pepsi now and then when I know that I won't be swayed back into drinking them too much. As far as giving it up...I'd say as long as you're only drinking one a day at the most and you are burning off all those calories then you're probably fine just don't sacrifice nutrition for a sugary treat. :wink: Overall, just do what works for you but bottom line is that as long as you are burning the calories off and getting adequate nutrition you'll be fine. :drinker:
  • MeeeMeee
    MeeeMeee Posts: 3
    I could have written that post. I love pepsi too and am finding it very hard to do without them. I switched to pepsi max and am starting to get used to them. They do have the dreaded after taste but not as bad as some. They still taste like pepsi though so I'm learning to like them. Now it is just the first one a day I drink that I notice the taste after that I barely do. Give them a try It took me about 6 days but it gets better each day.

    Good Luck