Need help BIG!

Hey all,

I have been getting big time away from all my goals recently. I lost about 70 lbs in the last year and over the course of the last month or so I put 20 back on. Need to get a grip on things. I have been binge eating like crazy and getting out of all my exercise routines. Not sure what is going on. Need some advice and help!



  • kelly6485
    kelly6485 Posts: 78
    Well, you need to first, KNOW you CAN do it, and want to do it. Remember where you started, look how far you have come, you don't want to go back there.
    Look at everything you are about to put into your mouth and really think about whether you "need" it.
    Feeling down or not wanting to exercise? Post it, let me and others help to motivate you......You can do this!!
  • aeckels616
    aeckels616 Posts: 210 Member
    Are you stressed or bored?
  • codexavellum
    Are you stressed or bored?

    really really bored
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    First, figure out WHY you are binging and slipping up on your goals. There is always a reason. Sometimes we just need a break from all the wok required on this journey and sometimes we think we've made it so we start to slack a little. Then we slip and before we know it, we're sliding clear off the path to health and wholeness.

    One you have figured out what the underlying issue is, you must deal with it. What can you do to change/fix that? Start small with getting back on track. Set small, reachable goals and I am sure you will gain momentum. Before you know it, you will be back and at 'em again. Good luck with getting back on track. You are have done great! 70 pounds is awesome, but remember the finish line is your dying day, not some number on the scale. Great job for not letting it get too our of hand. I'm sure you will get it together and refocus!

    Good luck:smile:
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Maybe you are used to being skinny now and forgot all the hard work that went into it. So I would suggest a couple of the workout routines you used to do. It will help shed the 20 lbs and maybe leave you feeling refreshed and back in the saddle.