"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 8

H20 Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra pounds
Week 8 of 10 (14 Days to go)

-Welcome, to those of you who would like to join the group, althought its already began, feel free to join in. Anyone is always welcomed. We are here to help with weight loss goals, talk, and turn to when you have your weakest moments. Our "H20" group has been going on since August 2010. I have a group of ladies that have been here all a long, I have some that check in every so often to see whats up in the "new" group of people. and i have some that are new to the challenge. So please feel free to join in..


After the past weeks events, losing four young men in our community. And losing my Great Aunt, I thought it was time to tell everyone I am grateful for each and every one of you. Sometimes life throws us for a loop, and we forget just how lucky we are, even in bad times. Im grateful for my health, my love, my family, my friends, and everything around me. Remember what you have to be grateful for.

Challenge 1 - Week 8
(04/03) - Walk, Jog, Run, Ride, ect 7 miles this week. We are coming up towards the end of our walking challenge. Maybe this will help push some of us that are struggling.

Challenge 2 - Week 8
(04/03) - Work on them Abs.. Find you some new Ab workouts on Youtube, or somewhere on the internet. We all need to work on our abs.. Right?

Challenge 3 - Week 8
(04/03) - Add some color to your diet, if you keep it kind of bland. Find a way to brighten it up. Greens, Yellows, Oranges, Reds.. ect..

Challenge 4 - Week 8
(04/03) - I want you to think of three positive things each day this week. Along with that, I want you to think of three things you are grateful for. I want us to remember the reasons we are here..

Quote of the week - “Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.” -unknown


-One of my most recent pictures i took.. I wanted to share it with everyone.. I love it, kind of breath taking.

I hope everyone has a beautiful week. And heres to a much better week ahead of us. :) Sorry for the delay on the challenge.. We need to start thinking of our next challenge.. so start thinking ladies..

Until next week.
April Val


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thank you once again, April, for another amazing and challenging week!!!! I appreciate all you do for us here and I think everyone will agree this is a great group!

    It's always hard to lose someone.. yesterday would have been my Dad's 66th birthday. He's been gone almost 18 years. I miss him so much, so I appreciate the people in my life because I know first hand how fast life can just be over. It's so hard sometimes. But somehow, we do go on. Never the same, but still...

    Ok, on a great note... I'm down 3.8 this week to 149.8!!!! That means I have lost 11.2 since we started this challenge! I can't believe it, I didn't expect it, but I'll take it!

    As far as the challenges, they are great! I shouldn't have any trouble with the seven miles.. I'm on plan to run 15 if I can make it all! Nearly done with 100 miles already.. I'm completely blown away with that!

    Abs.. I was just thinking today that I need to get back to abs. I tend to skip them when I'm out of time or just don't feel like it. I don't skip cardio or weights, but if I skip anything, it's abs... so I'll get back to it this week! Thanks for the kick!

    I like the colorful diet idea... somedays mine is quite colorful, others notsomuch... so I'll work on getting lots of colors every day! Somehow it makes the food prettier to me as well as more nutritious, which makes me want to eat!!! Great idea!

    The positives are so much easier for me now. When I was just sitting around feeling sorry for my fat self I had a hard time saying something good about my life or myself. Now I can be so thankful for being able to run, or for the neat thing my kid did, or that the sun was out during my walk/run/whatever!!! Endorphins do make you happier... I'm living proof!

    Hope you all have a great week! I'll be back to check in soon... I have a super long day planned at work tomorrow... sigh... At least I have a good job!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    YAY!! A fresh new week! :happy: I've been so happy to have hubs home on spring break, but I'm ready to have our routine back. :happy:

    The challenges sound wonderful, April! Thank you!

    My weigh in is tomorrow - eeeeek! I've been trying hard, so we'll see. :tongue:

  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    H20 Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra pounds
    Week 8 of 10 (14 Days to go)

    Challenge 1 - Week 8
    (04/03) - Walk, Jog, Run, Ride, ect 7 miles this week. We are coming up towards the end of our walking challenge. Maybe this will help push some of us that are struggling.

    Challenge 2 - Week 8
    (04/03) - Work on them Abs.. Find you some new Ab workouts on Youtube, or somewhere on the internet. We all need to work on our abs.. Right?

    Challenge 3 - Week 8
    (04/03) - Add some color to your diet, if you keep it kind of bland. Find a way to brighten it up. Greens, Yellows, Oranges, Reds.. ect..

    Challenge 4 - Week 8
    (04/03) - I want you to think of three positive things each day this week. Along with that, I want you to think of three things you are grateful for. I want us to remember the reasons we are here..


    -One of my most recent pictures i took.. I wanted to share it with everyone.. I love it, kind of breath taking.

    I hope everyone has a beautiful week. And heres to a much better week ahead of us. :) Sorry for the delay on the challenge.. We need to start thinking of our next challenge.. so start thinking ladies..

    Until next week.
    April Val

    First of all- amazing picture- I thought it was a painting!

    Challenges: 1) will do! I plan on finishing that 100 miles this week with a new goal of 125 by end of challenge (we'll see...)
    2) with you on that one- when I was too sore yesterday to walk- I did a yoga/pilates conditioning plus a toning work out- both had some ab work in them and I think I will try to repeat them at least twice this week
    3) tonight is chichen burgers with feta, cucumber etc- tasty but bland to look at but for tomorrow mango jerk chicken that should brighten things up- this week for the rest will be a major carbs week - husband is running his first marathon on sunday so we are high grain carb loading with some lower fat protein as our main focus- hopefully it will help me with my 10 mile training walk on saturday too!
    4) I am grateful that spring is here and that I have finally started my vegetable seeds and for my supportive friends and husband

    have a great week everyone

    (PS I re-read my last posting funny how my ipod changed not sure to Mother weird)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I am down to 231.9 - that means that I'm down 9.7lbs so far this year. Since I was having trouble shifting the weight, I started a new view to eating and it seems to have shifted it. That's 4.9lbs this week!!!

    I've been quite quiet on the boards, but work's been keeping me busy (12-16 hour days plus some time on the weekends). I'll make sure I'm getting back up to speed quickly once my project starts to wrap up.

    BTW, April.....I love all the photos you've been taking and am excited for you that you've decided to make a business out of it. It would be amazing if you could make a living doing something you're obviously so passionate about. You're very talented and if I were closer, I'd be booking a spot in April :flowerforyou:
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    April - Thanks as always for doing this for us. You are an amazing gal! :smile: I love the picture too, it looks like something out of an ad!

    Challenge 1 - Week 8
    (04/03) - Walk, Jog, Run, Ride, ect 7 miles this week. We are coming up towards the end of our walking challenge. Maybe this will help push some of us that are struggling.
    Can do. I've upped my time on the good old elliptical machine at the gym and have been averaging about 2 miles a day, YAY! Almost to 70 miles for the challenge, I just might make it!

    Challenge 2 - Week 8
    (04/03) - Work on them Abs.. Find you some new Ab workouts on Youtube, or somewhere on the internet. We all need to work on our abs.. Right?
    My abs are SOOOOORE from my trainer kicking their butts. :happy: She's got me doing different exercises every time I see her and I have been incorporating them into my regular workouts. Its hard to do lower ab work as being post 2 c-sections I can't feel much down there, but I know I am working them because laying on my belly makes my muscles sore so YAY for that!

    Challenge 3 - Week 8
    (04/03) - Add some color to your diet, if you keep it kind of bland. Find a way to brighten it up. Greens, Yellows, Oranges, Reds.. ect..
    This will be my challenge today as I am focusing on fruits and veggies (with my protein shake after workout) after a sodium filled weekend. Variety is the spice of life!

    Challenge 4 - Week 8
    (04/03) - I want you to think of three positive things each day this week. Along with that, I want you to think of three things you are grateful for. I want us to remember the reasons we are here..
    Love this.
    Three things I am grateful for today:
    The health of my family.
    Finally some moisture, maybe there won't be any more fires on our walking trail! (Or anywhere else!)
    Silly, but I am really excited about our patio furniture coming this week! More time outside, eating outside which usually means lighter, healthier meals. YAY!

    PS I am STILL not losing anything, but I have been taking a good look at my life and realizing why. I am eating like a skinny person that works out 5-6 days a week, not like a person trying to get skinny working out 5-6 days a week. I am maintaining, which is great but not what I want to do yet. Going to switch things up nutrition wise and see if I can get this weight loss going again. My workouts are intense and varied, so I know it's not them. I'm just SO hungry all the time because my metabolism is back in action from all the activity and wants to be fed! I just need to make better choices in what to give it.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Good morning!! The weekend was waaayyyy too short. Why can't the weekends be 3 days instead of 2? Anywho, I was a bad girl this weekend - tons of pizza, chicken wings and cake. And it shows on the scale - up 2 pounds to 164. It's not bothering me though. I'm back on track now and on to week 4 of Insanity.

    Have a great day!!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    1) I did 10 miles on the bike last night - woo! Getting some motivation back to keep going.

    2) Abs - MOST DEFINITELY need to work on these, even if only doing sit ups. I have an exercise ball, so will try something with that.

    3) Color: GREEN - the color of spring. More salads planned for this week, and make Broccoli salad last night. Mmm. Broccoli, bacon bits, sunflower seeds, raisins, and a little light mayo to hold it all together. Eat up!

    4) Three positives: Spring is coming, the birds are chirping outside, I get to relax this am. I'm grateful for my sister in law, who I've become quite close to in the past few weeks, grateful for a wonderful husband, and grateful for the supportive MFP community. Couldn't do it without you guys!

    This week: Lost 1.4lbs! I am officially 0.8lbs away from my halfway point... slowly but surely!!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Thank you April, happy week 8 everyone :)

    Im still having some problems and not eating, and not eating doesnt mean losing weight for me. No idea why a bit of upset totally puts me off food. Its weigh day tomorrow and TOM has shown its head a week late, I feel massive. I may even skip this week, if my scary scale addiction lets me.
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I hate weigh-in days with the slave driver... we'll see how it goes!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I hate weigh-in days with the slave driver... we'll see how it goes!

    You will do great- slave driver only slave drives cause she knows you can do it! and so do we :flowerforyou:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    good evening everyone ( or afternoon) just did all of Leslie Sansone's Slim in five (or whatever it is called) and boy although I like it there are one or two sections which are really, really tough for me but I did it and now only 3.5 miles to go to the 100 woo hoo - wasn't sure (in the beginning) I wold make it- I joined a week late and I am lazy (LAAAZZZZYYY) but with all of your support and April's great challenges I just know I will make it and - I am even drinking my water too!

    Thanks everyone:drinker: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Challenge 1 - I need to work really hard towards this 100 mile goal.. I havent been working as hard. Between my knee injury which is feeling much better btw.. and last weeks events, I just havent worked as hard. hoping to get my butt back in gear.. I need to start doing the walking dvd's or something..

    Challenge 2 - Finally got my exercise ball out of the box, that my husband bought for me a few weeks ago. Going to try to coodinate some abs into that.. Feels weird on the ball.. hoping ill actually like it, and be able to trust it enough to do my workouts.. haha

    Challenge 3 - I don't like too many veggies, but ill do my best on adding color.. i too need to work at this a lot.. I have a hard time getting in all those colors.. ;)

    Challenge 4 - Three positives... I have a job, eventhough somedays I hate it and dread going to work. Spring is right around the corner, I wont call it spring until we get our april snow, we get it every year, which means I will start being busy. I have gotten 3 appointments for photo shoots in May. Hoping to fill my schedule all season long. :) Three things to be grateful for. My family, Friends, and MFP Community, you guys help keep me grounded when I feel like giving up. Even if i do give in, I still think in the back of my head that I shouldnt be doing this. My health, without my health I may not be here, or not here as long. And my wonderful marriage to my amazing husband, without him, i really dont know where i would be today..

    Nikstergirl - Thank you, im glad you like the Challenges.. And youre welcome for keeping it going. Way to go on the loss.. Happy to hear youve almost reached the 100 mile goal for the 10 weeks. Maybe you can push yourself a little further, give yourself another mini goal.

    CrystalS - Youre welcome.. I hope your weigh in goes well for you..

    JeninBelgium - Thank you soo much for the complment on my picture. Its one of my favorites Ive taken so far. I have lots more on my facebook page for my photography. Happy to see you set yourself a new mini goal past the 100 miles. i love that. Keep up that determination.. ;)

    fitterpam - Way to go with the weight loss. soo happy for you. Thank you for the complment on my photos.. If you lived around here Id be more than happy to take youre pictures.. Oh and Id love to be able to make a living off of it. I wish we had a house with a garage so that i could turn that into a studio. That would be amazing. Hopefully to have that in the future.

    ashley0616 - Youre welcome, and thank you having people who return each challenge makes me want to do it even more. I hope this H20 keeps going for a long time to come. ;) Thank you for the compliment on my pictures. Im hoping to eventually find some where to sell them to.. That would be great. yay for the 70 miles. i think you will make it.. ;) keep up the hard work hun. and remember sometimes when we arent losing we are toning up.. ;) hope switching things up works out for you.

    ceelovejay - I agree with you on the weekend being too short. As far as your eating.. i too havent been eating the greatest.. Between all thats been going on, and lack of cash at the moment, been eating cheap. Which usually isnt too healhty,.. :( But been watching proportion sizes. Have a great week hun.

    violet_820 - Way to go on the weight loss. Good luck this week hun.. ;) Keep that motivation up.

    bjshooter - youre welcome.. I hope everything works out soon so you can start losing weight the right way hun.

    cazzincali - Good luck at the weight in..

    We need to start thinking of the next challenge.. I was thinking up to the fourth of july? which will take us 10 weeks out. Which it would end on the 3rd of july? What do you think about that? any ideas for the name. and would you guys like to have another challenge like the walking one throughout the next challenge. let me know. WE can do another walking one, or situps/crunches, pushups, ect.

    I havent weighed in since my problems with my knee.. I think i will do so in the morning. ;)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Drive-by before hubby and I head out for some good quality walking time. For the next challenge, maybe the Fabulous Fireworks Challenge? Hot Summer Nights Challenge? Burn for the Burn (that was hubby's contribution lol!). I'm trying to think of something to go with red, white, and blue, but my brain isn't coming up with anything b
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I love the idea of another challenge to get us in beach body shape before the 4th of July!!! Can we make it another walk/run/bike whatever mileage one? Of course the water.. that's awesome.

    Let's see.. if it's 10 weeks (this one was 10 weeks too, right?) then I would say we could do another 100 miles... or I might try to do 150 miles just to challenge myself! As far as a name.. I'm not that creative, but maybe something like "Beach Body Challenge" or "Star Spangled Challenge" or I really like Pink's "Hot Summer Nights" one... like I said, not my strong suit.

    Whatever it is.. count me in!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    I hate weigh-in days with the slave driver... we'll see how it goes!

    You will do great- slave driver only slave drives cause she knows you can do it! and so do we :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Jen. She is a slave driver cuz she's mean!! LOL But she has done a good job with me and I am not an easy person for her to deal with... because I am LAZY by nature!! I do not like working out. I do it because I know I must. She has me doing things I haven't been able to do in YEARS! For that, I am grateful.
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Challenge 1 - Week 8
    I am far behind on this challenge. I hope to ramp it up this week. I secretly count the huge amounts of walking I do at work but it doesn't really count since that is my life at work...haha.
    Challenge 2 - Week 8
    I am working on my abs....holding them in...haha. I will try to get some situps in. I have an exercise ball...sometimes the situps are a little easier on the ball.

    Challenge 3 - Week 8
    I am a veggie eater so this one is easy!

    Challenge 4 - Week 8
    Will do!

    Positives for today....
    Although I woke up extremely early (4 am)...I am breathing!
    I am working with a student nurse today...I love teaching so this will be a good day!
    I did not gain weight this week!

    Have a wonderful Tues!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I made 100 miles today!! It wasn't on purpose though. I missed the bus this morning and had to walk an extra 1.1 miles (on top of the 2.27 that I walk daily) to catch the other bus. And I got soaked in the process. It was NOT supposed to rain like this today. I'm sitting at my desk with my shoes and socks off - they're both stuffed with paper towels to try and dry them out. I really hope nobody asks me to do anything that involves walking for a little while. :laugh:

    Enjoy the day, ladies!!!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    I'll come back to read how everyone's doing, but I wanted to drop in while I had a second. We had unexpected company come on Sunday, and they're still here, so I didn't do my weigh in yesterday, but I did remember today. I was 179.4 - so I was down a tiny, little bit from last week. :tongue: BUT the exciting part is that I lost 2 inches from last week and that brings me to a grand total of 23.25 inches since January! I'm kind of excited about that. P90X is really helping in that area.

    I'll be back soon! Happy Tuesday!! :flowerforyou:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I made 100 miles today!! It wasn't on purpose though. I missed the bus this morning and had to walk an extra 1.1 miles (on top of the 2.27 that I walk daily) to catch the other bus. And I got soaked in the process. It was NOT supposed to rain like this today. I'm sitting at my desk with my shoes and socks off - they're both stuffed with paper towels to try and dry them out. I really hope nobody asks me to do anything that involves walking for a little while. :laugh:

    Enjoy the day, ladies!!!

    Sorry you had to walk in the rain but CONGRATULATIONS on the 100 miles + point!!!! WOOO HOOO WOOO HOOO YIPPPEEEEEE WOOOOOOO !!!!! ok that just looks silly when written but you know what I mean :drinker:

    I hope your socks dry out soon :bigsmile: