gall blatter removal



  • yanksgurl613
    I had my gallbladder removed about a year ago. I dont remember having any of those side effects. I do remember being warned of them though. The interesting thing is that of recent I get a very upset stomach if I eat fatty foods- meats etc. Maybe try and stay away from those for a while and definitely go see your dr.!
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed decades ago.

    I still can't eat fish and chips.

    Well... to be fair, I can eat fish and chips, but if I do, it's a very quick and uncomfortable trip to the washroom right after.
  • lalilalu
    lalilalu Posts: 102 Member
    Mine was removed in 2007, and I can eat absolutly anything without any side effects. I can (used to) eat deep fried food, spicy food, anything at all without any dramas at all.

    So don't expect to have problems forever, I'd go check with your doctor and hopfully it'll all get better and you'll be able to eat whatever you want soon enough.
  • jborski79
    I was able to eat most anything afterward, but certain things would cause me to have a "gall bladder attack" feeling (I know weird, right)? Anyhow, you really should reduce fats for a little while, usually a month or two and gradually add them back. Also, in the beginning, coffee and white wine set off severe stomach pains for me so find your triggers and stay away from them for a while.

    I had mine out in November and aside from a little stomach upset here and there, I am able to eat or drink anything again.

    Good Luck!! Hope you feel better soon!
  • LP4me
    LP4me Posts: 27
    First of all--GOOD LUCK in your recovery.

    Secondly, everyone is different. I had mine removed many years ago. I took probably 2 years before I could eat fatty foods. I learned where the bathroom was in all my normal shopping places. I would seriously look when I entered a new store so I would know where the restroom was ahead of time 'cuz there really wasn't any warning.

    Keep Gas X and Pepto in the house or with you at all times.... that should help. i carry some in my purse and leave some in the car even now. Over the years it has gotten better, almost nonexistent, but will occasionally pop up.

    I feel for anyone who has to go through this.

    MOST OF ALL--Listen to your body and do what works for you.

    Best wishes!:flowerforyou: