Running for 2 1/2 months on the "toning" shoes - now intense

mynewyorkad Posts: 39
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Apparently my topic was too long, it should finish saying: "now intense hip pain"

I have been jogging three days a week for the last two and a half months, and I have made it to where I can pretty easily do 5k's. The problem is, however, that my hips have been hurting (more aching) for the last 2 weeks, and now today after a 2.5 miles (all I could do on the intense pain), my right hip hurts so much that I can barely walk on it.

The shoes that I was using are the Danskin Now Women's Athena Rocker Bottom Toning Sneakers ( I used them the entire time I was running as well as for walking to class almost every single day for months. Then I thought that maybe the shoes were the problem. So I got new shoes specific for running, and ran with them today until I could go no further because of the amount of pain I was in.

I am not sure at this point what to do, because I'm not sure why I am having this intense pain. I don't know if it really was the shoes or if it is something else. I have never had issues like this with running before, and I have never hurt in this area before.

I am also not sure if I should continue to run, try to ignore the pain -- it was possible before, now I'm not so sure -- because I don't want to lose all the work I have worked up to in my jogging by sitting out until my hip gets better.

Any advice on this would be much appreciated! Thanks!


  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    Maybe you have the wrong type of new shoes. Were you fitted for them? Do you know your arch, your foot strike? Do you over pronate or under pronate?
    Best place to get those answers is on the runners world website. They can advise you, but a real true running store should have equipment that measures all of that for you.
    Your body is probably adjusting to going from the 'toners' which I HATE with a passion, to regular shoes. I would take a break from it for a bit.
  • I believe you should follow RICE for an injury and maybe do some foam rolling, but going forward don't run in anything but running shoes!
    Good luck, I hope you feel better soon!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    hrmm. i've heard of people having problems like this, but i cannot for the life of me recall what they did about it. i'm curious to see what answers you get, so i'll be watching.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    From the research I have done about toning shoes, you are not supposed to run in them. They are for walking not for exercising. Because of the way they are designed it is easy to roll your ankle and get injured. I would look into getting a pair of running shoes or try barefoot shoes. With the barefoot shoes you have to work up to being able to run in them, You wouldn't want to go do a whole run in them the first time you wear them. Merrill has awesome barefoot shoes. I am currently using adidas running shoes for my c25k program when i run outside and I have a pair of newbalace running shoes on the treadmill. once I have stuck with the running a bit more I will be getting the barefoot shoes. they are about 120.00 for a pair, but they make it so you do not heal strike and I am flatfooted so they help with that. . i am starting week 4 tomorrow. i hope this helps!

  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    From the research I have done about toning shoes, you are not supposed to run in them. They are for walking not for exercising. I would look into getting a pair of running shoes or try barefoot shoes. With the barefoot shoes you have to work up to being able to run in them, You wouldn't want to go do a whole run in them the first time you wear them. Merrill has awesome barefoot shoes. I am currently using adidas running shoes for my c25k program when i run outside and I have a pair of newbalace running shoes on the treadmill. . i am starting week 4 tomorrow. i hope this helps!


    Also Vibram Five Fingers :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    You need to get thee to a good running store and be fit for the right shoes. Toning sneakers should never be used from running ... you need some good running shoes if you are going to run 3x per week.
  • hikingmonk
    hikingmonk Posts: 134 Member
    Find a good running store and see what they say. Could be the shoes or just an injury that needs rest and healing.
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    I bought Shape ups not too long ago, and I too was running with them on. Once it was time to get a new pair of shoes, I decided to go with those that didn't claim to tone. Since my feet became conditioned to Shape ups, and then switching to regular runners was very painful on my feet. My advice to you, from my experience, is to use your toning shoes for just walking.
  • lnosgood
    lnosgood Posts: 92
    If the pain is really intense and continues for long periods you should go see your dr. You could have pulled a muscle, or even worse... Those shoes are made for walking, not for running. From what i've read a lot of people end up with back/hip issues from them. I too have the Danskin shape-up shoes, but I only use mine for walking around on the treadmill or when the family and I go out on an outing.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    listen to your body chickie, and if you really feel like its the shoes then it probably is. I'd had a pair of shap-ups and after a couple of weeks started getting the same pain you describe but in both ankles. Went off the shoes for a while, and then tried again. Almost immediately the pain came back, and i didn't even run in them, was using them at work because the soles were soft.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Yeah Toners aren't for running. I know the shape-ups even have a booklet in with them to describe how to use them and it specifically says don't run in them. It even says don't use them for more than 20 minutes at first just for general walking, then work your way up to a longer duration.
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    I had a similar issue (but never wore toning shoes)...I was jogging Nov 2010 and the next day my right hip HURT so got better slowly, till 3 weeks later...woke up on a Friday and drove to work and it hurt to put my seat belt on or to turn to look at my blind spot...I went to the urgent care and they told me I had strained it and to take it easy and gave me Rx strength Naproxen (Aleve), now, 4 months later...I am 95% back to normal. I have been exercising...but listening to my body...when it hurts, I do not push as hard...and I started jogging again 4 weeks ago using the "couch to 5k" program ( so far so good.

    So my advice...see a doctor...and if that is out of the question...take it easy for a few days (or weeks), take some anti-inflammatory meds...and then start back slowly (I am not a doctor, this is only what worked for me)
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    So I saw in your OP that you bought NEW shoes. Were these good quality running shoes that you were fitted for and paid a decent $ for? Because honestly I would never run in a shoe I bought at walmart.

    I agree with the PP who suggested RICE = Rest Ice Compress Elevate. Take some time off from running, do some gentle stretches perhaps but rest for at least a full week.

    I hope you feel better soon!
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    My grandfather ran every day and needed 3 hip replacements because the running wore down the cartilage in his hip each time. Just something to be aware of. Also, you should never run in toners, due to the possibility of rolling an ankle (among other things). Maybe you should look into another form of exercise for awhile, or try walking till the pain goes away? Or, you know, see a Dr. who will probably have better advice than I (or most on this site) do--I'd say never ignore pain that hurts that bad--pain is your body's way of telling you something is wrong. Take the time now to find out what it is and fix it or it will only get worse
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    just reading this makes me wanna cry for you!!!!!! DO NOT RUN IN TONING SHOES!!!!!!!! I have been working in shoes for the past 2 years and NOTHING good comes from running in toning shoes....your hips are hurting because of the incorrect impact that is happening when you run in the toning shoes.....another thing....running shoes typically only have a 400-600 mile, if you are feeling pain in your hips, knees, and/or back, you could use a new pair of shoes....well, you need a different pair anyway. So, get yourself to a good running shoe store and have them look at your arch and your wear pattern. This will make a world of a difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for all of your advice!

    The new shoes I bought are honestly super cheap, but unfortunately I don't have enough money to invest in a good pair of running shoes. It's just not going to happen, even though I would love it.

    I didn't read the fine print on my toners that said not to run in them, so that was definitely my bad. Unfortunately they are the most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever felt once I got used to the "rocking".

    If the pain doesn't go away in a few days, I will see my doctor and see what she has to say. I always do that as a last resort.

    Of course it would be the irony of when I finally get addicted to running, I hurt my hip somehow. Hah!

    Edited to add: the toners are going away, never to be used again!
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    Glad you're ditching the toners for running!

    I am not sure what your budget is...but I got fitted at a running store but did not buy the shoes there. I came home and found them on Amazon for about $35 cheaper!
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