What keeps you motivated?

blackdragonclare Posts: 91
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I woke up this morning and feel like the size of a whale as my stomach is all bloated (af) and I feel grumpy. So for once I've tried to look at the positves like last month I was in a size larger jeans and my stomach was over the top. this time its not. I also don't want to eat my weight in chocolate like I usually do.

so what keeps you going at the lowest of moments?


  • MFP support, remembering that I have better health now, that I usually feel like what I eat (garbage energy in / garbage energy out) and I gave away most of my old clothes so I have to keep it off so I can wear the new stuff this summer! :glasses:
  • Hikaroo
    Hikaroo Posts: 16
    What keeps me going at the lowest of moments is that I was at a lower moment.
    Knowing that I felt far more miserable when I was larger, and that I've made progress, even if it doesn't seem like a lot.
    Giving up will put me back in that dark place that i -never- want to be in again.

  • Sabochan
    Sabochan Posts: 37 Member
    Looking at all the nice clothes online I could be wearing once I've lost weight! If I wore them as I am now, I'd look ridiculous and awful... It's a good motivator! (very superficial reason, but it works for me) ^^
  • estepteau
    estepteau Posts: 146
    Looking at old pics when I was 26lbs heavier.....and looking at pics when I was very tiny in high school (showing me where I am going) :) I keeep reminding myself that I am much more healthier right now and I look and feel great!
  • ashleyk_xox
    ashleyk_xox Posts: 158 Member
    There are a few things that keep me motivated. My main thing is having workout buddies. It helps to have someone there with you pushing you to go to the gym on the days that you don't want to go. My problem is getting there-once I'm there I will work out. Second-I buy myself smaller clothes than I wear and keep trying them on til they fit! I have a full closet of clothes with tags on them for the summer and almost all of them fit me now! :) which makes me happy..so that means I will need to buy Mediums for the winter :) haha. Also-I take my measurements. Even if the scale doesn't drop I try not to get discouraged if I am losing inches. Another thing-looking at before and after pictures of successful weightloss stories and also the support of this website. It is great to have people going through your same problems and here to share tips, recipes, etc. Also-the compliments people give me help me stay motivated. I don't want to let people down when they tell me "KEEP IT UP". One more thing-I am in a weightloss competition. That's not always available to everyone but it does help! Oh...looking at old pictures of me makes me absolutely disgusted and not want to go back!
  • MissWait
    MissWait Posts: 160
    A few things that keep me motivated are...

    Looking better in my clothes...support that I get from this Amazing site & most of all I want to have start a family at the end of this year and my partner and I agreed to wait to I got to my goal weight, so I can be a super healthy mumma!!!
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