SAHM 4/4 - 410



  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Li- Welcome! I am dreading the day my son starts eating "normal" food (he is only 6.5 months). I love mac and cheese, hot dogs, grilled cheese, chicken fingers and all the other things that are not that good for you that show up on a kids menu. I am hoping to be a pro at resisting temptation by then so I can get through the kids food years :-)
    This may sound odd, but we started R on solids with finger foods at 6 1/2 months - we read the book Baby Led Weaning and decided to try that vs traditional purees. It has worked out awesome for us. At 11 months old she eats everything we do and especially loves vegetarian meals made with tofu or beans. My mom won't eat some of what R does lol (mostly the tofu and hummus).

    I'm wicked far behind. R and I are at my parents' while my husband is away on business and the last time I was here I ate far FAR too much. So far so good! I've been working out so the sweets I'm sneaking in aren't detrimental :) Plus my sister had never played Just Dance 2 and now when she comes over after work she wants to play lol. We did 2 hours last night on top of my earlier run. Tomorrow is our Cracker Barrel lunch day - my goal is to do my W8D2 C25K workout and only eat half of whatever I order.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    bump for later.
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    177.2lbs this morning!!!

    Only .2lbs from my April 15th goal of 177lbs.

    Also, made a goal to lose 10% (18.4lbs at that time) in 10 weeks. It's been 3 weeks tomorrow and as of today I'm down 7.2lbs, so 11.2lbs to go for my May 27th goal!! (the day DH gets back!)

    We are moving May 1st (we closed March 30th but are renting it back to the seller's) so I will be losing all my help for the last 4 weeks until DH gets back. So the gym is out, but hopefully my 3 kids will nap for me and let me work out lol.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I'm Soni and I have 4 boys (8, 6, 2, and 3 month). I'm back here now, because I initially lost alot of weight post baby, but gained it all back in just the first few weeks after he was born. I'm nursing and can't restrict my calories the way I want to, but keeping to the calories I'm allotted to on here helps me to monitor my portion sizes, so I can get back on track to lose the weight that I started losing before I got pregnant.
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    I'm Amy. I have a 7 year old and an almost 2 year old (the end of this month). I joined MFP in January, but have been actively trying to lose weight since September.

    I'm really struggling right now because I feel so alone, which makes me just want to eat and lay around/do nothing. We don't have any family and/or friends where we live and I'm home alone (with the kids). I know this isn't a good reason or anything, but I just can't seem to drop the "lonliness" feeling that I have.

    Sorry, I just had to vent and let out some of what I'm feeling.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    mom2caelebncasy-I have been where you are! We are currently living in Nebraska away from all family and friends. For me I needed to find a gym, it's a huge stress reliever and it gives me up to 2 hours of time for myself, by myself. The gym I go to has child care, mandatory for me as my youngest 2 are 4 yrs. and 2 yrs. old. Honestly it's my lifeline to sanity! Also I had a friend at church recommend a book, she gave it to me actually. It's about dealing with all your emotions about moving and how to settle in to what ever/where ever your situation is. It's called After The Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller. It has helped me to realize that all my emotions (some times crazy ones) are totally normal and helps to understand where they are coming from.

    Hugs to you!

  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    mom2caelebncasy-I have been where you are! We are currently living in Nebraska away from all family and friends. For me I needed to find a gym, it's a huge stress reliever and it gives me up to 2 hours of time for myself, by myself. The gym I go to has child care, mandatory for me as my youngest 2 are 4 yrs. and 2 yrs. old. Honestly it's my lifeline to sanity! Also I had a friend at church recommend a book, she gave it to me actually. It's about dealing with all your emotions about moving and how to settle in to what ever/where ever your situation is. It's called After The Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller. It has helped me to realize that all my emotions (some times crazy ones) are totally normal and helps to understand where they are coming from.

    Hugs to you!


    Thanks for the support. I'll see if our library has that book!
    As for the gym, we live in a small town and none of the gyms provide childcare, so I just do my exercising at home. I REALLY wish they would open one here with childcare just so I could get some "me" time and work out more strenuous then playing the Wii and going for walks with my youngest, but I'm making do with what I can. I just have to stay strong (I keep telling myself this!).
  • Amy--I also can relate to the issues you are having. While I do have family nearby, they never come to see me and work a lot--so it is very isolating to be a SAHM. I also find it so difficult to do anything good for my body because I am the only one who takes care of my almost 2-year-old. Now that he is almost 2, I at least can get some yard work done in our fenced-in backyard, and that is definitely a workout! But I would love to go for a brisk walk, or maybe try running again. I feel like such a lump!

    I really need to open up a new window or something because I feel like I am neglecting all of you! But I have to go pick up my teenager now, so I hope to be back soon!

    Does anyone else feel like being a SAHM is an obstacle to staying in shape? I really do!

    1. The aforementioned love of kid food, and also hating wasting or throwing away food.

    2. Having access to my pantry shelves and refrigerator at all times.

    3. No way to exercise! I had more time to keep in shape when I worked full time! And I have an older child, so it isn't because I didn't have a child when I worked.

    4. Lack of sleep. Makes me sedentary.
  • I guess lack of sleep isn't just a SAHM issue, just a mom issue.
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    I don't think it's so much being a SAHM (that is an obstacle to staying in shape) for me....more that I never have anyone to babysit, so I very seldom take the time for myself. I do find that being home makes me want to snack more, because I do feel isolated (even with some family around), but I'm doing much better with that, lately. Before kids, my time was my own, so there was no excuse not to have time to workout.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    being at home definitely means I snack more, when I'm at work I'm just too busy to eat (plus I'm not cooking nice food for the kids which means I 'help myself to a bit' :devil: ) That said, I have always gained weight when I have returned to work as I sit on my bum all day, whereas when I look after the kids I'm constantly on the go (3 uner 5! :sick: )

    I am still feeling a bit blah, so this morning, one month precisely since I rejoined the site and started trying, I retook all my measurements to go alongside the weight loss. I've posted the whole story here

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Wow, Shoppie!!! You are doing so great!!!! Good for you!:happy: I understand what you are saying about being on the go with your little ones making you more active. I am more active at home too--but I snack way more!!! I am having a difficult time with it! I have made sure my most favorite snacks are not around, but that isn't stopping me!

    Soni--I know what you mean about not having time for yourself. When I worked, I could always get a babysitter to go to the doctor, or even get my haircut. But now that I am home, I very rarely am able to get someone. So I reserve those times for going to my oldest son's concerts and plays. (My little guy is in a stage where he can't sit still for those events right now.) I do think you are doing well with working out during nap time. I know that doesn't always work, but you are doing great.

    Hello to everyone else--hope you all are having a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Great job, Shoppie!!! Keep up the good work!

    So, I just found out on another post that there is a way to subtract the calories burned when breastfeeding, so I've actually been way under for my calorie goals, Yay!!!! But I don't want to mess with milk supply, so I need to eat a little more.

    I didn't get my 3 mile walk in, but I did fit in a 20 min. yoga stretch workout and it was such a busy day with the kids that I never stopped moving (until they were in bed)...didn't even eat dinner until then. I used ysterday as a cleaning day (because I've neglected that a little to make time to workout).
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amanda, congrats on your loss! Good luck with your move!

    Amy ~ So sorry about having no family near by. We are military so I feel you! Try to find some playgroups in the area to join. If you are religious, join a church. Get yourself out there! Hope things get better soon!

    Daisy ~ I used to not have time to work out, then we joined the Y in January. I have no excuses now when I have 2 hours of free childcare!

    Shoppie ~ Congrats on your accomplishments !! You are awesome!!

    Soni ~ yes eat your nursing calories!! You are doing awesome though!

    Today is my 9 year wedding anniversary...makes me feel so old LOL I really don't feel like it's been that long, I swear I was just 17 yesterday..which is when I had my first date with the hubbs! We are going to the Melting Pot tonight, and I'm so excited! But with the government shutdown looming, maybe we should cancel. I'm terrified of hubby not getting a paycheck for a while :-/ But, I've saved for this day for a couple months, so I think we should still do it. Just so torn! I guess that's what our paid off credit card is for...Pray for all that are affected, because it's not just military!!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Katie- CONGRATS on 9 years! Go out...treat yourselves and celebrate(you've worked hard, too, to be able to enjoy yourself)! You're not hubby and I celebrated 10 yrs. in December!

    I'm praying that the gov't can set aside ideological differences to agree on a workable budget, so people can get paid for the work they do (among other things).
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Government shutdown? What is happening? (and why don't they mention it to us??) We are having a lot of resistance to the cutbacks our government are trying to make, but so far no general strikes (though I have hear they may try to have some over the Royal Wedding)

    Anyway Kat - I really hope you and the hubs enjoy your dinner, we were 18 and 19 when we started dating and will have been married 10 years this year, so pretty similar :love:

    Soni-me - I allow 500 per day for nursing (DD is 8 weeks so still 100% breastmilk) and I do eat all the calories as you say it can mess with your supply otherwise. It certainly doesn't seem to have affeced my loss!)

    Daisy - instead of trying to stop snacking, could you try replacing snacks with healthier choices eg I often snack on raw cabbage, carrots or peppers?

    DD had her 8 week vaccinations today despite still being poorly, the doc thought it important to protect her from catching anything worse. Hope she doesn't suffer with them. I am loving our weather which is now well into the 70s, absolutely glorious. I'm going to get the paddling pool back out this weekend :bigsmile: I also realised DS2 is doing brilliantly with potty training, its day 9 today, he had an accident yesterday and I realised I was surprised as he hadn't had one for several days - brilliant!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ Here is just one example and article of what's going on: Basically our government can't agree on anything...oh joy! If I'm not mistaken, police and the like still have to go to work without pay too. Just an all around bad deal for everyone affected :( Wonderful news on your son PTg!!! So is the wedding a HUGE deal there? Because I see so much about it on the news over here LOL

    Thanks for the good anniversary wishes!
  • soni_me
    soni_me Posts: 95 Member
    Shoppie-I added 500 more calories onto my daily goals of calories, but I wasn't adding (subtracting it for the calories burned) it to my food. I didn't know it was there. My son is 3 months old, so he is still exclusively nursing, as well, but even though I wasn't adding it in didn't seem to bother him this week. My guess is because I've been drinking so much water .

    Yay for successful pt'ing. I'll be starting on my 3rd ds in a few months. I hope your dd feels better soon. When my son gets his vac's, I give him a little infant tylenol or ibuprofin (if they weigh enough or are 6 months) right before the dr. comes in to give them and it helps alot with the soreness. Once it wears off, he's still a little fussy for the rest of the day, though.
  • OK! I opened a new window, so hopefully I won't leave anyone out!

    Soni--20 minutes of Yoga sounds wonderful! Do you do it on your own or with a program? And moving around all day with kids is certainly not sedentary--you must have been tired at the end of the day. I often eat after my little one is in bed, because my husband works so late. And it is extremely difficult to cook with this baby still up! That is his cranky/needy time of day. The only thing is, when I wait for later to eat, it kind of gets me in my snacking mode again. And I know eating late isn't good for me either! The nursing calories makes sense to me! I am still breastfeeding my little guy, but only 1-2 times a day now. I'm not sure I would be burning a significant amount of calories. How old is your little one?

    Katie--The Y is great, but there isn't one in my area with free childcare--it is cheap, but not free. And I can't budget the Y in right now anyway. We are kind of down to a tight budget with me staying at home. If we ever come into some more money, I do think it would be great to join a gym. Congratulations on you 9 year wedding anniversary!!!! That is so great. I hope you have a lovely night out with your husband!

    Shoppie--Good advice on the snacks. I do eat apples a lot, and sometimes those nugget pretzels when I really crave a salty treat. I have also been having hummus with veggies and sometimes pita chips. It would probably be better if I stuck to fruit and veggies only, but I get craving! I also occasionally eat a bowl of cereal for a snack. I hope your little daughter is doing ok since getting her 8 week vaccinations. I hate that round. And yay on the potty training! How old is your son?

    OK ladies, time to watch Thomas the Tank! BBL!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Ugh, sorry ladies, I’ve been MIA again this week. Now, I’ll play catch up again from last week and this week.

    Week of 3/28-4/3

    Shoppie-I wasn’t too upset about losing that “friend”. I’ve already within the past 2 years had to let go of 3 friendships, and it seems as time goes on, I’m finding out who’s my true friends and who’s not.

    Christi-I know what you mean, the last two weeks, I’ve been not on as much and posting. I feel horrible, but I’ve have a lot going on, and I’m hoping things have settled down and I can get back to what I was doing before.

    Welcome Abby, joip, Crystal, Chrissy, Soni, Kelblue, Li, Leigh, Cruther, ArmyWife, Faith, Mom2calebncasey, and Daisy!

    Congrats to all the loses the last couple of weeks!

    Current week:

    Well, I just got my little guy (11 months, will be 1 on April 30th) into daycare for 2 days a week, starting next Wednesday. He has got the mommy only thing going on (since he’s been home with me every day since he’s been born), he won’t even let my inlaws (who we live with watch him while I cook or something without screaming his head off. I know Wednesday will be hard, but just maybe I can get him out of this stage and it might help him with his sleep issue we’re having. He’s still not sleeping throughout the night, which is one reason; I’ve not been on so much. He was sleeping throughout the night, and now he’s up, down, up, down, up, down….ugh!

    With all the new mommies on here, I too will reintroduce myself.

    My name is Barb, I’m 27 yrs old. I have a little girl, Kelsey, who will be turning 7 on Tuesday (the 12th) and a little boy, Jeremey, will like I said will be 1 on the 30th of this month. My husband is a 3rd shift trucker driver and sometimes he’s home every day, sometimes every other day, and sometimes he gone from Monday night until Saturday afternoon, and has weekends off (just depends on how much freight is available).
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