Hi all...im new, but love this site and APP...!!

Just dropped by to say good luck everyone!!! Im two weeks in and about six pounds lighter, so yippee..Its all down to the Iphone App....thanks to the people who made it wherever you are?? I have about 20 pounds to go, so here goes nothing!!

love you all P _ UK


  • hairspray74
    congrats, and welcome, you can add me if you like!!! keep up the good work!!!
  • Angiechastain
    Welcome! I'm very new too and so love it! I know we will lose weight on this site/ap. :smile: Add me if you want. Have a great week!
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Good luck! I love MFP..have lost 18 pounds since I have been using the site/phone app. Officially have lost 25 pounds since Jan. 3! It does work....if you stick to it..fuel your body and keep moving!