Question for the ones that have lost a lot of weight...

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
I notice that I get a burst of motivation, then i'm like screw this. Then, I get back on track, then i'm like crap this is annoying. Repeat. I always manage to catch myself early on and get back on track so that I don't gain weight and continue to lose weight, but I am a little nervous that i'm just going to give up one day and just lose myself and everything i have worked hard for.

So, during your journey, have you done the same thing or have you been motivated the entire time?

Basically I'm asking if i'm normal or if i'm a weirdo and will eventually fail with this attitude? :indifferent:


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I notice that I get a burst of motivation, then i'm like screw this. Then, I get back on track, then i'm like crap this is annoying. Repeat. I always manage to catch myself early on and get back on track so that I don't gain weight and continue to lose weight, but I am a little nervous that i'm just going to give up one day and just lose myself and everything i have worked hard for.

    So, during your journey, have you done the same thing or have you been motivated the entire time?

    Basically I'm asking if i'm normal or if i'm a weirdo and will eventually fail with this attitude? :indifferent:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    We all get that burst of excitement when we first start a routine. It's how well you fight off the desire to quit after that first 1 or 2 or 3 weeks that determines how well you will do with the program long term. I failed more then once before I finally stuck to it. For me, part of the solution is knowing it's comming, try not to get overly excited about it in the beginning, and take a few minutes of quite time every day (I find the time right before I work out is best) to remind yourself how important EVERY day is. It works for me about 90% of the time. Course sometimes you just gotta kick yourself in that *kitten* and say What the HELL is wrong with me! Yell at your inner lazyness!
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    You said something important, Lina. You ALWAYS get back with the program! That is numero uno important.
    I've lost close to 50 lbs and have felt the same as you every step of the way. Something ingrained in our heads is always "I want to go back to the way things were" or "let's just do things the easy way and forget about all of this." The difference between a winner and a loser is one very important thing....the winners get back on the horse and ride it out. The losers just give up.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    ... The difference between a winner and a loser is one very important thing....the winners get back on the horse and ride it out. The losers just give up.

    YEP! Second that!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Okay, because this weekend I got my monthly and totally screwed up. I mean chocolate, pizza, the works. I'm back on track today but i'm a little pissed off with myself for 1. using that as an excuse and 2. stepping on the scale last night. It was not good.

    I am definitely back on track today, even though I am suffering like a mofo.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    The trick is to be on the horse longer than you are off it. If you can do that, you'll ultimately get where you want to be. I'm taking longer than some to lose my weight, but I am making very sure that I can do it in a way that goes with how I want to live my life. Plus I am still losing weight. The trick is to do all of this in a way you can live with forever - and that means eating more on some days than others. It also means exercising more on some days than others. Its hard to live entirely by a planned out schedule because - as the old saying goes, "Life is what happens when you have other plans."
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    The trick is to be on the horse longer than you are off it. If you can do that, you'll ultimately get where you want to be. I'm taking longer than some to lose my weight, but I am making very sure that I can do it in a way that goes with how I want to live my life. Plus I am still losing weight. The trick is to do all of this in a way you can live with forever - and that means eating more on some days than others. It also means exercising more on some days than others. Its hard to live entirely by a planned out schedule because - as the old saying goes, "Life is what happens when you have other plans."

    How long has it taken you to lose 101 pounds?

    I see that some people started in January like me, and have lost a lot more than I have. I mean, I am happy with the 32 pounds, don't get me wrong, but i'm still wishing I was at goal. :bigsmile:
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I peaked in december of 2006 at 325 lbs. Been working on shedding it since then. I know I could've been at my goal weight if I'd stayed strict.
  • jamie77
    jamie77 Posts: 101
    When I started my journey 6 years ago I stayed motivated. I didn't cheat even one time in 9 months. I hit my goal and went crazy eating again. I kept working out, but did not watch what I ate at all. I discovered my love for cooking and and just ate whatever the heck I wanted.
    When I made it to a size 12 (originally a 22 and 271 lbs) I just told myself I would never buy anything larger than a 12. I don't know how, but I managed to keep it off. Then, when I had my daughter I noticed that my size 12 jeans weren't fitting so well anymore. I hadn't gained any weight, but I replaced a lot of lean muscle with fat!
    Since I have found MFP, I have pretty much stayed motivated. I do eat almost anything I want on the weekend now, only in moderation and it seems to be working.
    I think we all need to let ourselves indulge from time to time. Maybe if you allowed yourself one cheat a week, you would find it easier to stay on track. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • sftbutterflykiss
    sftbutterflykiss Posts: 223 Member
    Okay, because this weekend I got my monthly and totally screwed up. I mean chocolate, pizza, the works. I'm back on track today but i'm a little pissed off with myself for 1. using that as an excuse and 2. stepping on the scale last night. It was not good.

    I am definitely back on track today, even though I am suffering like a mofo.

    well.. who doesnt screw up on this week.... ??... youll be just fine... i know i just feLL off the wagon myself.... stressful stuff came along.. and i said i just dont care.. i ate soo much pizza.. and corn on the cob.. and a brownie... but i still kept in my log.. so i can look back.. and say .. how do did you feel.. in my edit notes... its about learning.. what your body and mind does.. ITS OK TO FEEL THIS WAY. ... WE ALL DO ..
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    I gained 60 lbs while pregnant with my second child. I am very short, so with 60 lbs I was wearing pants 10-12 sizes larger (after giving birth) and just couldn't move right. I really wanted to lose weight, but had to do it very slowly due to dealing with many urgent medical issues in my son. It was very frustrating. But eventually very rewarding.

    The key is just keep moving toward the goal.
    Do the baby steps.
    Have faith.
    Go through the motions.
    Sometimes you will see results, other times not. Just keep chipping away at it. and trust that you will eventually get there.

    Good luck, you can do it.

    (Oh, yeah, and that list above is how I go about other goals too.)
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Ive just started changing my lifestyle ie exercising reguarly, eating better, at the beginning of July and I found this site about 2 weeks after I started. I have had an off day or 2, but I feel SO bad about it emotionally and sometimes physically that that is my motivation to try and not have such bad days. I also realize that everyone has their days no matter if they are 5lbs overweight, the perfect weight or 100lbs overweight. Its the fact that you get up the next day or so and start over again and know that you yourself have the ultimate say in what happens and that only you can control your own progress or demise :)
  • crazybigchick
    From my heaviest to my lowest was 92 pounds and it took me 18 months to lose. (I have had two more children since then) It was very much a on the horse off the horse type thing. Perfect for a month or two and then awful for a week or so then back at it. The point is to keep trying. We are all human and prone to slip ups. It is perfectly normal. You are doing fantastic! I am sure you will be at your goal in no time.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Thanks all. It's nice to know i'm still normal. :bigsmile: