Thigh Cellulite--

Okay, I am very curious if anyone knows how to help get rid of cellulite on the back of the thighs?? My legs are toning (little by little) and I want to do all I can to get rid of it. Any suggestions would be great!
Thanks in advance! Look forward to reading the replies!!


  • katy5692
    katy5692 Posts: 140
    bump- i'd also like to see peoples advise :)
  • chic_mama_25
    me too! answers appreciated.. thighs and bum real problem areas..
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Options Here is an article on it. I can also tell you there is a form of massage called Lypossage. its designed to help smooth out cellulite. I'm a massage therapist and understand the treatment is painful though. I think I'll just wait for mine to leave on its own!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You just have to burn off the fat (cellulite is fat deposits. I've read about it but don't remember the details). And unfortunately we can't tell our bodies where we want the fat to come off.

    You can't spot reduce or target burn (wouldn't that be nice?!). Just keep chugging along and eventually it will go away. But it might be a while depending on where your body stores its fat. You will get there.

    (For me it's my belly. I started weight lifting a few weeks ago - haven't done much cardio - and my belly is finally starting to burn off.) In 4 months of calorie restriction and cardio my belly wouldn't budge. 3 weeks of weights/resistance and my body fat calipers dropped 2mm (on the spot beside my belly button).
  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    I read that reducing Sodium intake has an influence on celulite. I would recommend a very low sodium diet...see if that has any affect. Good Luck!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Found this on
    Cellulite Diet

    The most important factor for a cellulite diet and your general health is the good nutrition. Oily fish and nuts, for example, are foods that are typically recommended for people wanting to get rid of cellulite naturally. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Vegetable and fruit juices extracted from fresh fruits are one of the best ways to get the nutrients the body needs. Regular consumption of vitamins and minerals is good for healthy skin and detoxification of the body. Avoid drinking more than a cup of coffee per day. The combination of coffee with no exercise leads to constriction of blood vessels. Avoid foods with high salt content such as processed meat products and cheeses.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    less caffine more exercise! i found that using machines that work my legs toned them up nicely and with that i noticed a lot of cellulite reduction.

    Caffine has been known to increase cellulite. Also try drinking green tea which is great for you. It will reduce with time, the more fat you burn, the less cellulite you will see. Good luck x
  • lmcneedham
    lmcneedham Posts: 1 Member
    I looked into this, because I dropped weight and have toned but still have cellulite...Sadly, most of cellulite is caused by hormones and genetics, so, although exercise/ weight loss helps...even many super athletes often have it. My understanding is that there are some laser procedures that help (though not permanently). They are 8 treatments over 4 weeks and can run about $2000.00.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I read that reducing Sodium intake has an influence on celulite. I would recommend a very low sodium diet...see if that has any affect. Good Luck!

    Remember we need at least 500mg a day. But that's easy to do.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    less caffine more exercise! i found that using machines that work my legs toned them up nicely and with that i noticed a lot of cellulite reduction.

    Caffine has been known to increase cellulite. Also try drinking green tea which is great for you. It will reduce with time, the more fat you burn, the less cellulite you will see. Good luck x

    4) Fat Burning (Aerobic Lipolysis)

    This is by far the slowest system. It is, in fact, too slow to contribute extensively to energy production during exercise (if you ever deplete your glycogen stores so much that the body has to rely on fat burning for its energy, your muscle movement slows down dramatically). In order to mobilize fat, a "triglyceride" has to be broken down into fatty acids, bound to proteins, and other time-consuming feats. The good news is that fat metabolism is the main way that your glycogen stores are replenished after exercise.

    Fat + oxygen + ADP ==> ATP + water + carbon dioxide

    Though some trainers suggest long, slow aerobic workouts to burn fat, that's a very inefficient approach and can also compromise muscle gains. You train the lypolytic system best by working glycogen-depleting exercises like resistance training and wind sprints into your program (which give you an “afterburn” as you rebuild ATP through fat burning), working out in the morning on an empty stomach (in any case, definitely avoid sugary or high-glycemic carbs before workouts – insulin blocks fat burning), waiting about 30-60 minutes after the workout before having much carbohydrate, and by maintaining a nutrition plan of small meals that aren't large enough or glycemic enough to spike your blood sugar. ***You can also have a cup of caffeinated coffee (no cream or sugar) before workouts if it doesn't irritate your stomach – the caffeine triggers release of fatty acids into the bloodstream and will improve your endurance.***

    coffee can be good for workouts. The only thing that increased my cellulite was weight gain.

    If you are at a healthy weight and still have cellulite try putting more focus into weight/resistance training. This will help burn off more body fat (which at healthy weights the body will protect).
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There are some skin firming lotions out there which are supposed to help a little. No promises that they'll reduce it completely, of course. I used Avon's product several years ago and did notice that it reduced the appearance of cellulite on my thighs by a bit. (that's my big problem area, I lose weight from my waist first, and my darn thighs don't like to let go!) Sometimes, every little bit helps.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    I wanted to know answers to this too - so I just looked up some articles online and this is the best one I's not necessarily the answer we want because it doesn't magically get rid of cellulite LOL but it is a really good article and explained what it is, why it happens and how to reduce it's appearance =)

    Here's an excerpt:
    "3 things you can do that will have the most impact on the appearance of the cellulite:
    1. Drink plenty of water to flush toxins out of your body
    2. Follow a strength training program, concentrating on lower body movements, such as squats, step-ups, and lunges
    3. Apply a self tanner—this instantly brightens the skin and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

    Finally, try not to stress too much, as, believe it or not, over 90% of all women in the world suffer from one form or another of cellulite—even those with bodies most of us would die for!"

    Hopefully this helps! :flowerforyou:

    Here's the link:
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Well... I'm no expert, but maybe I can help :smile: I joined MFP 37 days ago and have been experimenting with several things to get rid of my cellulite and honestly, I managed to get rid of 90% of my visible cellulite so far... and belive me, it's soooo much harder to get results past 35! Everything sticks! :grumble: So I do alternating lunges and plies (like a ballerina with toes outwards 45 degrees) with free weights (12 warm-up sets with medium weights, 8 power sets with heavier weights and 20 sets with lighter weights) on Tuesdays, I power-walk pushing my toddler in a stroller on Wednesdays, really focusing on the contraction of my buttocks before taking my next step, and on Friday I use a thing-a-ma-jig that looks like an untwisted paper clip to work my inner thighs. I also walk up stairs pressing on my heels (I have been doing this for a couple of months and you really feel your muscles work!). I also modified my eating habits to include more protein and fiber, and I try to stay away from bread, pasta and potatoes during the week. Salt is really bad for cellulite too... If you haven't guessed yet, I have been gradually making changes over the last years, struggling to lose weight and be more fit and what I've been doing is the fruit of all the research I've been doing and this great website! So many of you have helped me finally *get it* and stay motivated!

    Hope something in there will inspire/help you too! :wink:
  • starsnyc21
    starsnyc21 Posts: 436 Member
    I read somewhere that jumping rope helps with cellulite. I would try to google it.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I exfoliate using coffee grains. I make my own body scrub.

    Quater cup ground coffee beans
    One cup brown sugar
    Three-quaters cup almond oil (you can use more, but I like mine thicker)
    Mix until it's a paste

    You can also use vegetable oil, I've substituted on occasion.
    If you want fragrance, you can use vanilla extract or vanilla essential oil.
  • Kjohnson2387
    Kjohnson2387 Posts: 16 Member
    If Im not mistaken. I remember reading a long while back that you can't necessarily get RID of cellulite, only shrink the cells... its basically fat cells that clump together to give it that cottage cheese appearance... the more weight you put on the bigger the cells get. Although, I'm sure that if you do enough toning and eat right (as with dieting as a whole) it should minimize the appearance of the cellulite.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member

    Caffine has been known to increase cellulite

    That's actually not true. Most firming lotions use some form of caffeine as an ingredient. Caffeine stimulated the blow flow.
    I know Fat Girl Slim has a whole line of spot reducing creams, shower gels, etc where caffeine is the primary ingredient.