Stretching before running



  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171

    I'm getting quite worried about all this shin splits talk!!! :(

    I don't think it's shin splints at all. You're just sore! Massage the area, it will feel good. :)
  • ubabe1
    ubabe1 Posts: 144 Member
    With any workout its always good to do some type of warm up. Before a run though, I do a 3 to 4 minute warm up that I learned from a Jillian Michaels DVD. I prefer to warm up my entire body...I even do some deep breathing!! It works for me and I've not had any aches or pains afterwards. Even walking for 5 minutes is a good warmup prior to running.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Or just good old fashion rough housing, folks arent worried so much that their children will hurt themselves as much as they worry that the kid will go to school with bangs and bruises and have social services show up at their door. I have to sit in these Case Review Boards where people have been accused of abuse or negligence, and I will tell you some of these cases are pretty ridiculous. To think that when I fell 20 feet out of an April tree when I was seven years old and broke a rib or two my parents would be charged with negligence now a days...down right despicable. I can remember being 11 and 12 years old and playing WWF on a trampoline with my buddies...and there was no pads or screen around the trampoline OH DEAR...or when we found boxing gloves and hockey gloves and decided to play "Mike Tyson's Punch Out" and just beat the heck out of each other. Haha I can even remember an assignment in grade school where we had to create a board game and my group made a floor sized game that you walked from space to space and we made Punji sticks for challenges during the game and just abused each other...the Punji Sticks were made of PVC, Pillows, and Duck Tape....those were the good old days.
    I hear ya! Not that I can run 2 miles in 16 minutes... I top out at 18 minutes... but them I'm 40 and have had multiple leg injuries to boot. I think your bang on when you blame Xbox and Playstation. That and the idiot box and you have a generation of kids who don't know how to shoot hoops, throw a spiral or shoot a puck. Who knew?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Thats more or less what shin splints are. Sore muscles that are close to the bone.

    I'm getting quite worried about all this shin splits talk!!! :(

    I don't think it's shin splints at all. You're just sore! Massage the area, it will feel good. :)
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    Thats more or less what shin splints are. Sore muscles that are close to the bone.

    Oh, I always thought shin splints were the muscle sort of tearing away from the bone. I know when I switch from running and go on a swift 3 mile walk, my shins are sore the next day because I don't use that muscle very much while running, and obviously use it while walking. And it just feels more like a regular old sore muscle instead of something more serious. If a shin splint is just a sore muscle, then why do people make such a big deal out of it?
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    The term shin splints is used to describe a number of conditions, the least serious being sore muscles around the tibia, to as serious as tendonitis and stress fractures. People make a big deal out it probably because either way it hurts like hell. But in most cases ice, heat, and exercise will not prevent and cure shin splints. If the pain persists all day regardless of if you are exercising then the more serious variety of shin splints may be going on and a Doctor should be seen.
    Thats more or less what shin splints are. Sore muscles that are close to the bone.

    Oh, I always thought shin splints were the muscle sort of tearing away from the bone. I know when I switch from running and go on a swift 3 mile walk, my shins are sore the next day because I don't use that muscle very much while running, and obviously use it while walking. And it just feels more like a regular old sore muscle instead of something more serious. If a shin splint is just a sore muscle, then why do people make such a big deal out of it?
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