Cardio Machine Settings -

I have just set the incline on the treadmill today to a "2" for the first time. I had just used the walking exercises prior, and based the walking speed on the average speed displayed by the machine. I searched "Add Exercise" for treadmill and one response came up. There was no mechanism there to account for incline. Is there another name for treadmill that I am not aware of that will allow this factor to be entered? It obviously makes a difference in calories burned.


I am not accepting friend req's but will gladly respond to any messages sent to me ;-)


  • amdrummer02
    amdrummer02 Posts: 19 Member
    If you are on a machine that shows how many calories you burn you can automatically enter that or you can search for walking and theres are a few options with incline that come up with that search.
  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    I don't know about how to add that exercise as far as the incline is concerned. But I too just recently started using the incline on the treadmill. WOW... does it make a difference!!! I used to just walk/ job/run on the treadmill flat and would burn maybe 320 calories, Just started putting the incline up to like 12 and wow... burns a whole lot more calories in the same amount of time. Why didn't I know this sooner? Definitely gonna continue to use the incline and slower pace. Good Luck to you!