Day 1

notreatsforme Posts: 18
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So, I just found this website today. Quick history- have two children 21 months and 7 months, still bf, work full time. I make it to the gym 3 or 4 times a week for at least 60 minutes. I am also coaching sb. I eat fairly well, not a snacker, no pop, very little junk food. Had my thyroid checked in December (it was normal). I can't seem to lose any weight. In fact, at this point I have only lost 14lbs since i delivered, Mind you, I only gained 17lbs with first (which I lost and then some) and 22 with second. My weight has grown over the years, really since I stopped smoking in 2006. My end goal weight is 160 (which is the last time I remeber feeling good about myself.) with that being said I need to lose around 49 lbs.!!! Going to need all the help I can get!


  • shandy32
    shandy32 Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome to mfp. Goodluck with the weight loss it already sounds as tho you are very determind to lose weight xx
  • skeele
    skeele Posts: 72
    This is my 4th day and I would like to lose about the same amount. I'm loving this website. I just need to log in everyday and it keeps me accountable for what I eat and makes sure I log my exercises as well. This is a great site for input or motivation. Good luck to you.
  • yes I agree. i have been playing around with it...but i like that i can update online and through my phone and it logs it!!! Keep up the good work!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Welcome to MFP. Don't give up. Try changing things around and see if you can get things rolling... I had to make a few changes and once I did I'm noticing more results. Good luck :) Feel free to add me if you would like as a friend.
  • what I like most about this site is that after you finish logging everything for the day it tells you that if you continue what you are doing, you'll weigh X amt in 5 weeks. That is part of what keeps me going and keeps me logging my stuff. :)
  • what I like most about this site is that after you finish logging everything for the day it tells you that if you continue what you are doing, you'll weigh X amt in 5 weeks. That is part of what keeps me going and keeps me logging my stuff. :)
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    Welcome and good luck! I'm wondering if you need to consult your OB about your diet. Since you are still bf'ing, your calorie and nutrition minimums are bumped up more than if you weren't.
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