getmehealthy Posts: 19
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
So I am taking Metformin (for the last 3 years) to help treat PCOS - part of which is insulin resistance. I have been eating seriously low carb for 3 weeks now and excersising. The first week, I lost inches but I have not lost any weight thru this! Anyone else dealing with this?


  • jenn2782
    jenn2782 Posts: 47 Member
    I am also doing a low carb diet and have read in various places on the internet that you sometimes will lose inches instead of lbs especially with low carb diets...but as long as your getting smaller thats all that matters. Good luck to you =)
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have PCOS and am not necessarily eating LOW carb, but for the first time in my life I am watching my sugar and carb intake...and I am eating much less of it. I find it is helping me :)
  • janedubz
    janedubz Posts: 8
    I have PCOS, though I'm not on any medication for the insulin resistance. I take Yasmin birth control daily to receive the hormones needed to prevent the cysts from forming. I check in with my doctor about twice a year regarding this issue, and if necessary, an endocrinologist. Both have said though that as long as I stick to a regimented diet and exercise program, my insulin levels should be fine. Of course, everyone's prognosis is different because of the varying levels of hormones in people's bodies, but I've found that making diet and exercise a hugely important part of my recovery. If you make those two things priorities, you should be able to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy body!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I just started metformin 3 days ago. I was diagnosed with PCOS last thursday (which I had tried to get tested for it for like 2 yrs and was ignored by all my male dr's. go figure...) anyways, I have always eaten high protein low carb, but i have knoticed for the last two days my appetite has been curbed so i dont know if it will help with weight loss. my Dr said it only does in some women not all. add me as a friend and we can compare notes, if you like, as we go through this journey :)
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    I have PCOS, though I'm not on any medication for the insulin resistance. I take Yasmin birth control daily to receive the hormones needed to prevent the cysts from forming. I check in with my doctor about twice a year regarding this issue, and if necessary, an endocrinologist. Both have said though that as long as I stick to a regimented diet and exercise program, my insulin levels should be fine. Of course, everyone's prognosis is different because of the varying levels of hormones in people's bodies, but I've found that making diet and exercise a hugely important part of my recovery. If you make those two things priorities, you should be able to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy body!

    very true....my symptoms have been getting better for the last 6 months without the medication just from exercise alone. wanted to try the meds too though to see if it would help even more :)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i have pcos and am also taking metformin. two weeks ago i lost 7 pounds, and this week i didnt lose anything. im wondering if my sugar intake is to blame, since ive been looking over my diary and noticing i usually go over on sugar. im usually under on carbs, even without trying. i havent measured myself since last week, and i usully do it once a month so we'll see
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS many years ago and have battled with the symptoms as long as I can remember. About 9 months ago I realized that I needed to do something drastic about my lifestyle or else... The only way for PCOSers to feel good and get healthy is to take metformin, exercise, AND eat a well-balanced diet. It will take awhile for your body to get used to this new lifestyle so be patient. It's also about the combination of all three of these things - doing 2 out of three won't cut it. If you need some additional support or menu ideas you can friend request me and look at my food diary. I may not always eat or drink the healthiest things but it works for me. I honestly can't remember when I've felt this alive. Sure, I struggle with the scale and wonder why I can't lose more/quicker. I try and remind myself that it took years and years for me to get unhealthy and that it's going to take some time to get where I want to be. Good luck!
  • guess I should have added that when I was diagnosed I had been losing weight and keeping it off. I had an Ablation (which I highly reccommend instead of a hysterectomy!!) and got right back to losing weight thru healhy eating and exercise. After being laid up for 6 months with a bad knee, I am once again back at the fight of weight loss. I watched my sugars for months and also portion contol for years but just plateaued I guess. So the doctor suggested low-carb. I did lose inches that first week, but 2 weeks later - no loss of any kind. Kinda frustrating but I'm not giving up.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed with it about 2 years ago, however was never put on metaformin. I eat healthy, only whole grains, and try and get in as much exercise as possible (I do have two children so it is not always possible). Feel free to friend me if you need extra support.
  • Luttjl
    Luttjl Posts: 5
    I have PCOS and have been taking metformin since last October. 3- 500mg pills a day. It has been a wonder drug for me. I have regular periods and I feel so much better, more energy too. I have always ate healthy and exercised but I never lose weight. I have been 135-150 for the last 10 years. I got on this site to try to look at what I eat and how much I exercise. I eat so much sugar! I go over every day. Slowly im trying to change my eating habits for good. Good luck everyone!
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