Alternative to weight loss surgery.

nlt518 Posts: 7 Member
Hi, my name is Nancy. I am 55 years old, and have lost over 90 pounds. I was considered morbidly obsese with many weight related health problems, including depression. My insurance wouldn't pay for weight loss surgery so I had to find another way to loose about 120 and get my life back. I hope my profile encourages some of you who are severely overweight and very discouraged.


  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    That is great that you have the motivation to do something like this! I am not even close to being obese but I am in the overweight category. It is really encouraging to see people like you who have become obese but are fighting back and are determined to lose the weight and not let anything stand in their way! Thanks for posting about this! :smile:
  • nlt518
    nlt518 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you. I guess I finally got to the point that I was in so much physical and emotional pain that just had to do something. The anti-depressants really helped give the energy to try. I have wonderful support from my medical advisors and family, that helps.

    Good luck with your efforts to become fit and healthy. It is worth the effort!

  • nightscare0
    I am right there with ya! Good luck :)
  • nlt518
    nlt518 Posts: 7 Member
    Best of luck to you too! Just keep at it, it does work and it is worth it! :)