About to start the 30 Day Schred and I am scared!!!!



  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I was the same way. I work at a desk all day and had went from little to no exercise before starting it. My starting weight (on MFP) was 225. I'm on day 8 of Level 2. It's tough but it's good! I'm currently down to 216! So with the better eating and Jililan Michaels I'm on my way!
    You can do it!
  • NavyWifeag
    NavyWifeag Posts: 36 Member
    You are in better shape than you think you are. I am 255. I can run and walk for an hour and do 30DS. You have to listen to Jillian, we are all stronger than we think we are. When you commit your mind, your body will follow. Mind over Matter. Your brain is scared, but you body can handle it. Women are strong, we are built to have children and endure hours of pain and stress on the body. Your body can do 30DS I promise. The harder you push yourself, the more mentally and physically tough you will become. You're in your house. Cry, scream, curse -- do whatever you have to to reach your goals. 30DS is hard, but it's not impossible at any weight. Jillian has designed it to challenge both those with a lot to loose and those without a lot to loose. Just tell yourself, "it's only 20 minutes." That's what I do.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    Hello :flowerforyou:
    You will do great!!
    Each session is 20 minutes long...I am not going to lie; it is a workout!
    But it will get easier as you go & you'll feel great =)
    If there is something you can't do just modify the move or do another cardio move just to keep moving

    I am actually doing the shred too....add me & we can support each other :bigsmile:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am finding it hard, because I have the wrong weights! I am using 3kg - 6.6lb ones which makes it HARD, but the rest of it is fine. Use light weights, though.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    I restarted yesterday! I started 2 weeks ago but decided to put it off until after a did a stair climb for the American Lung Association. It felt good to restart. I was a little sore this a.m. but did it again. Definitely more sore this afternoon now, but I plan on doign it again tomorrow a.m.! Add me if you want to get through the shred together! That goes for anyone replying here!!!!!!!
  • jaydensmommy2010
    jaydensmommy2010 Posts: 129 Member
    I was 190's and had no physical activity for at least a year when I started 30 day shred and the first day I almost died. The next couple days were worse. You will really feel it in your legs and knees. After a while it did get easier, but I did not work out when I was sore. Just take your time and go easy! Oh and I'm still the exact same weight as when I started and it is a lot easier I gained a lot of muscle from it.