Am i just used to it??

I walk approx 5 miles + a day mon-fri doing the school runs some of the time is pushing a little lump in a stroller, some walking with a toddler and the rest fast walking all spread through different parts of the day.

I am wondering will my body just get used to that amount and not carry on working to reduce weight loss. I noticed changes to my leg shape for a while not progressing at all now. There is not much way i can change up the walking as its restricted with the kids in tow!

8 am
50 mins pushing toddler in stroller to drop daughter off at school and walk half way home
30 mins leisurely pace walking toddler back home

11.30 am
30 mins pushing toddler in stroller to nursery fast pace
20 mins fast pace walk home.

20 min Wii workout

Do i need to up exercise????


  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Maybe not up it, but there is a lot to be said about muscle confusion. Do you vary your Wii workout or is it the same everyday?
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    its varied with strength training and cardio different each day
    lots of squats, lunges and i use weights too
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I would up the exercise with some cardio such as an eliptical, treadmill, ect. and incorporate some strength training such as light light weights and doing squats, leg lifts, ect. You are doing great, sometimes our bodies do get use to the same routine and it's good to switch things up :)
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    Every tine you do something, the next time you do it is just a teeny tiny bit easier. Eventually it gets to be as easy as picking up a feather. (ok a bit of an exageration, but you get the point)

    If you're getting your heart rate up now doing what you're doing then you're ok . . . for now. Just bear in mind that you get stronger and faster every day, so some day in the not too distant future you'll have to think of a way to make it harder for yourself. Maybe by going faster and jogging with the stroller, or maybe by loading bricks into a backpack. And some day you'll be jogging with a backpack full of bricks. :-)
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    5 months ago i got a bus home everyday and got fed up with the prices so decided to walk so i know i am getting used to that the half hour walk has now turn into a 20 minute walk and i'm aiming to do it in 15 soon. I sweat buckets and feels like its doing some good
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    5 months ago i got a bus home everyday and got fed up with the prices so decided to walk so i know i am getting used to that the half hour walk has now turn into a 20 minute walk and i'm aiming to do it in 15 soon. I sweat buckets and feels like its doing some good
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    The cardio you are doing should continue to help with weight loss, though it will slow down some as your body gets used to it. But if you want to see changes in muscle shape and definition, you may want to add in some strength training. For your thighs it could be as easy as adding in a few sets of squats. They're great because you can do them lots of places and they don't require any equipment. (Though you can mix it up even more by doing various types of weighted squats.)

    And just wanted to say, great job at adding in that much cardio to an obviously busy life. Keep up the good work.