Scale help

So I had a scale that I was using for my weekly weigh-in. It was located at my dance studio which made it convenient and kept the temptation to abuse the scale at bay. Well one of the instructors took it home (it belonged to her and was only there for the aerobics session that just finished). I can find/use other scales but my dilemma is this. I know using different scales can be tricky. For example the one I'm using now is/has been reporting different numbers than the dance studio one. How do I compensate for this discrepancy. Just last week it put my weight at 194.9 Given that I weighed 200.0 two weeks ago I did not lose this much weight. I guessed based on previous information that it was 3 pounds off and recorded a 197.9 weight for this previous weigh in. Am I going to have to assume the plus 3 lbs forever? Is there a better way to fix this. Just looking for suggestions.Thanks.


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    I would just buy one for home and use that one each time. You can always check the accuracy of a scale by placing a dumbell on it and checking the accuracy based on the dumbell weight.

    Just get a new one and weigh in. If the number seems way off from the other scale...perhaps the other scale was wrong. You are just going to have to suck it up and take whatever number it gives you and then move on from there. :bigsmile: Plus, if the number is lower on the new scale...that's a move in the right direction, eh??

    If it's too tempting not to weigh every day, keep the scale in the car and it might make it less tempting if you have to pull it out to get on it.