Time for some new friends?

I find that my current group of friends just likes sitting in pubs / bars slamming back drinks and eating crappy food. I find when I go out with them I often fall victim to peer pressure / temptation and screw up my healthy lifestyle.

I was just wondering how you all deal with this? I am thinking it might be time to find some more like-minded friends that are into exercise and health rather than sitting around, eating and drinking. That lifestyle just doesn't interest me at all anymore. I have tried to get my friends to do other things, but they're just not interested.


  • thefreemans28
    thefreemans28 Posts: 267 Member
    I wouldn't abandon them completely, seeing as they are your friends and all. But maybe join a health club or something where you could find another group of friends that share your same healthy interests? You could probably find something online in your area. Or find MFP people in your area and form a group.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    ha ha... join our crew!!
  • crystal10584
    I still hang out with my booze slinging friends, just not in the bars. When you go out to eat with them, make healthier choices for you. No one says you have to have the burger and fries when you can get the grilled chicken salad. if you want to drink, make room for those drinks and plan it out.

    My success has actually gotten one of my other friends to take a look at herself and now she's trying to lose a few as well.
  • teanabean
    teanabean Posts: 168 Member
    I find it REALLY helps me to surround myself with people who will be positive and supportive influences. Even when at work (nurse, high stress environment with long shifts) I find I do better with coworkers who are health conscience rather than those who are not. If I see Mary eating fruit and a salad, most likely I'll feel compelled to do the same but if I see George eating cookies and chips, I'm gonna want those!
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Start ordering low calorie drinks and when you gather together bring some healthier snacks!
    I hang out with plenty of bad influences. *shrug*

    I refuse to COMPLETELY change who I am and who I like for this transformation.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    join the "have no friends" category! ... I have not enjoyed hanging out in bars for a few years now, so over the years I lost touch with real friends... so I don't have that temptation lol ...
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm going to shoot you straight - man to man - and please know in advance that, I may come off harsh but (1) we're guys and that's how we talk to each other and (2) I am trying to help you.

    I know exactly what you mean. I just turned 38, so I am only about 6 years older than you are. It wasn't that long ago that I was in your exact same position. Drinking every night. Playing poker until 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. Fast food runs. Watching football at the bar every weekend (especially Monday nights). My buddies and I had a GREAT time. What changed for me? I got married and decided I needed to quit being selfish and grow up ESPECIALLY when we had our son.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that's what you are doing. But it was what I was doing, so I quit the late nights and constant poker games and started staying home more and eating healthier. I still didn't exercise but that was - like you - due to the fact that none of my buddies did and my wife was a runner and I wasn't (at the time). I played golf and softball...not exactly intense sports.

    Here's what I suggest. Don't give up your buddies. They are your friends for a reason and there is no reason to cut people off who you like and like you. But, start saying no to the bars. When they call you, tell them you are heading to the gym or going to shoot hoops or whatever you like to do. Then, invite them to join you. One of my best friends is now training for a triathlon because I got him going on it. He is very grateful and thanks me every time I talk to him.

    The ones who are interested in being healthy will stick around. The others may fade away. But those guys wouldn't have lasted anyway. You'll make new friends. Sign up for a race. HUGE motivator for me. You'll be surprised how many people will join in with you.

    Anyway, sorry to get long-winded with you but I see the guy I used to be in your post and if you can get out of it six years earlier than I did, then my babbling is worth it to me. Good luck man!! Let me know if I can help in any way.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I haven't hung out in bars for years. I realized fairly quickly that it wasn't something I'm interested in. Of course I only really have 2 friends and I don't see them very often. That's my own fault and I'm starting to do something about that.

    If you're after friends that are more interested in being healthy and exercising, then my I suggest trying some classes and trying to make friends there.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
    Not sure what it's like where you live, but we have Volleyball clubs, Softball, Running & Walking groups - I met a number of great friends getting involved with like-minded people that have good attitude toward fitness. There will always be people who want to drink - eat poorly, you need to seek out the people you want to hang out with who have similar views - or change the minds of those who are currently your friend. Instead of heading to the bars, can you invite them over for a game night, or to go for a walk in a local park. I love going biking with friends. We actually stop at bars along the way, but I don't drink, and they don't mind.
  • timmy2strikes
    timmy2strikes Posts: 99 Member
    I have a group of friends that are the same way. If I know I am going out with them I log into MFP and fill in my food diary ahead of time. Since I have already had breakfast and lunch I know how many calories I have left for the day. I then enter in a light meal and however many drinks I can get in with out going over my daily calories. You would think I would cheat and maybe order something a little more fattening or have an extra beer but I don't because I already know that if I go over I will beat myself up over it the next day. Another thing that helps is if there is dancing and the ladies ask you to dance, DO IT! A couple hours of good hard dancing can burn a lot of calories.

    Good luck dude!!
  • HowzItGoinEh
    Thank you all so much. I know they're my friends and I don't want to abandon them. I just do not want to be a part of that lifestyle anymore. I find the temptation too high in bars / pubs and all I can think about when I'm there is how sick I am of salads and water. My self-control and discipline just seems to go out the window and thus, I don't want the temptation anymore.

    I love the suggestion of telling them that I'm going to the gym / playing sports and inviting them along. However, I have tried that on a couple occasions and they just don't seem interested. I think I will take the suggestion of looking for MFP'ers in the area that want to do healthy things.

    I'm married and have 4 kids and we do as much active stuff as we can together like Xbox Kinect, etc. in the house. The weather is really crappy still, but as soon as it is nice, we'll be spending lots of time at the park on our street playing sports. I just need to deal with that "friend aspect". I'm certainly not short on friends. Just healthy friends. I used to be the big party animal that everyone flocked to, but I'm just not that guy anymore.

    I work out at home so meeting people at the gym is tricky right now... I know them all already. ;)

    Thank you all for the tips / suggestions.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    You should probably find some new friends anyway, as you're going to outlive the ones you already have ;-)
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    M husband says, "Unless you want to stay fat, you can't keep hanging out with fat friends." It's a bit harsh, but there's some truth to it.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You can start doing races and other activities that do not involve just being a spectator. There are a lot of fitness and health minded people out there.
  • rainycity
    I'm planning on starting hiking in the summer - we should hike together!