Unemployed and unmotivated...

Hey there! I've been unemployed for 6 months now and started on MFP about a month ago hoping to find some motivation on my weight loss journey. I'm having a REALLY hard time finding the motivation to get my butt up off the couch and exercise. I've lost 3 lbs so far just by monitoring my eating and logging all my food, so that has helped...but still not much in the exercise department. Anyone have the same type of problem and how did you over come it and get yourself to get moving? I think part of it might be some depression due to lack of having a job. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated! Ouch...after reading this I sound like a freakin' whiner!!!!


  • PoorGirlEatingHealthy
    I often have the same issue...I started working out in the morning so I don't really have anything else to do so no excuses. My wall calendar in my home keeps em accountable...and Even when I feel like crud I ALWAYS feel better after I work out!
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    get out of the house? I am always feeling worse when I isolate myself.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    get out of the house? I am always feeling worse when I isolate myself.
  • acollier0510
    acollier0510 Posts: 7 Member
    After graduating from college last may I was unemployed for six months while living at my parents house. Definitely not ideal. I had to tell myself to just go for a walk. Eventually, I told myself I would walk in workout clothes. Finally I convinced myself to jog/run while walking.

    Good luck! If I can find a job so can you!
  • starrbright585
    I was maybe the laziest person ever until one day I just got so fed up with my lifestyle and trying to wish myself into a thinner body. I think finding the motivation is different for everyone...you can't really force it. But once I got into a routine and started seeing real results...I got hooked! The endorphins you get from excersise is amazing, you feel stronger and hotter and healthier and everyone noticing is kind of a rush!
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I find that when I exercise I feel so much better--about myself, my body, my mood....everything. There are plenty of days when I don't want to work out, but I try to at least get into my workout by 5-10 minutes. Usually by that time, I am feeling better and the motivation kicks in to finish the workout and give it my all.
  • flutterqueen04
    I was the same way. My situation was different but for the most part I was so unmotivated to exercise. And honestly the best way to get motivated is to JUST DO IT, :laugh: If you are waiting for the perfect answer for the perfect time to have the perfect motivation - sorry to say this but its never gonna come - unless you are waiting for a health issue but I guarantee you that might not even do it. Honestly in the beginning I hated it. I hated having to give up a big chunk of my day to exercising and then not seeing the scale move, ugh depressing. BUT I stuck with it because I knew eventually something had to give. And it did! And now I actually enjoy working out. I NEVER thought I would be that person. On days where I tell myself to relax take a break I find myself feeling utterly guilty and lost without my workout. You will get there you just have to start. Start off small and work your way up. 10 minutes a day is better than the 0 you are doing now. Then increase it as you start to get into it :) You JUST have to start.

    PS: I guarantee you that if you exercise you will have a better chance of finding a job. As much as we don't want to admit it, our appearance means more than what we would like it too. Also the more you exercise the more confident you will find yourself becoming and if you walk into an interview with just a tiny bit more confidence it means more than you'll ever know :)
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I was fairly lazy myself until just over two weeks ago when I started here. Yes nutrition is the lion's share of weightloss, but exercise will tone you up as well as help you lose lbs.

    Personally, I just decided to do it. The first day, I did 30 mins on Wii fit, the next I bought myself a rowing machine, set it up and did 15 minutes on it with 30 mins on Wii sporst Tennis. Within that first week, I was feeling better about myself than I had in years and had lost over 5lbs. Now I do exercise of some form every day, usually 15 mins of rowing and 30-60 mins on Wii sports. I'm also looking to vary it up a bit, maybe with something like Zumba.

    What you have to do is find a form of exercise that you find fun to do.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    Think of it as your job. I try to spend an hour in the morning and at least an hour in the afternoon working out, when I'm between jobs. I'm lucky too, that when I am working, my workplace has a pretty good gym that I can use. In addition, I clean the house, cut the grass, shovel snow, etc. If I don't get my workout in I feel like crap. Just get off the couch and move!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Just start with something small that you feel you can handle. For me that was 30 minutes of walking on 5 days a week. It took a few months to build up to more than that. But even though that seems like not much, it was enough to adjust my mental attitude and give me the motivation to do more.

    So pick something that you like, or at the very least don't mind, doing and start doing it. Walking, dancing, boxing, there are lots of options out there. It can be hard to take that first step, but once you start exercising on a regular basis you will feel better about yourself. Get yourself into a habit. Maybe the first week you just dance for the length of one song or take a walk around one block.

    Over the last year I've come to the conclusion that whether or not I need to lose weight I always need to exercise. I has a major effect on my mood and on my outlook on life. It sounds silly, but it's so true.

    Good luck and hope you are feeling better soon.
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    I HATE working out!!!! Up until now I have never even set food in a gym before. I know you said you're unemployed so perhaps can't afford it, but I've found having a personal trainer has helped me. I set the appointments, and I don't want to cancel so I just have to go! After doing that for so long it got a little easier to go to the gym by myself, first for 30 minutes, now for an hour. Maybe someday I'll be able to go for an hour and a half! :ohwell: Otherwise, another thing I did was found something I enjoy doing. I took kickboxing classes for awhile, and I got an at home Pilates video that I do once in awhile. I have a Wii and a PS3 so I got some dance games and other things for those I like to do once in awhile. Switching it up will help as well because you won't get too bored. Sometimes I just clean my whole house. Believe it or not, you can burn a lot of calories scrubbing!
  • amitybs
    amitybs Posts: 35
    Thank you everyone so much for the ideas and motivation!!!! I had a job interview today and they offered me the job! Things are starting to look up and I'm so excited to be working again! I have a feeling this great news will give me that kick in the pants I need to completing the rest of the changes I want to make. What a great day!!!