Need advice

kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok, my weightloss has stalled...dramatically stalled. I am unable to walk or exercise for about 3 weeks, at least. I might be needing surgey... and I'm not getting any cardio in. I've not been big on strength training, but in the next few weeks, because of a hamstring tear, I'm thinking it's a time to work on some upper body strengthening.

Does anyone have any good ideas of where to sart? I want to lose 40 more lbs and don't want to be stalled (or even gain) while I'm limited in my mobility.

where should i start?


  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    Maybe some gentle yoga?
  • Meggie_pooh
    Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
    check out this wesite to answer ur questions! I love this site!!!
  • spankywife
    spankywife Posts: 40 Member
    There is a program on Channel 8 called "Sit and Be Fit".
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    keep it simple, especially if you havent been doing cardio exercise lately and may need surgery.

    Try gentl movement in the pool, and also try seeing a physio about your hamstring and whether you can strap it and do some gentle exercise with it? if you can, you might be able to get onto cardio equipment slowly.

    As you mentioned, you can always get into upper body! Try using a swiss ball for support for pushups.

    Good luck!
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    :wink: watch salt intake. keep up with your water. cut meals into mini meals be careful with too many carbs because you want be burning as many. next there are lots of basic exercises without being on your feet. hold arms out twist side to side, and as you said upper body work outs. you are gonna do great don't worry :wink:
  • jojodaly
    jojodaly Posts: 8
    First, you need to be consuming less calories than you take in. Whether that means eating less calories or exercising to increase the calories you burn.

    I have trouble exercising on a regular bases. I have Fibromyalgia, which sometimes limits my ability to exercise for a week or two. When this happens, I eat less calories than I consumer paying particular attention to my nutritional areas of concern. I have determined that if I loose at least a pound a week I am good. This requires me to eat 3500 less calories a week than my body burns on it's own. Sometimes it is only a half a pound or I just do not gain weight, but on average it runs around a point a week.

    As for exercise in your condition, I would not do more than the doctor tells you is ok. I understand your concern, although your health is important!
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    oops should have been more clear...

    the hamstring issue is new, just happened friday, so I'm preemptively (sp) warding off the stalling.. haha. I am unable to sit or walk at this time, and the pain is excruciating. Went to orthopedic doc today, MRI on Wednesday, results on Friday. Worse case scenario, surgery and 3 months of recovery followed by PT... best case scenario, 3 to 4 weeks of rest follwed by PT.

    But in that 3 weeks to 3 month category, I don't want to be a complete vegetable. However, cuz it's my hamstring and where the injury is, I cannot sit... that's why I'm thinking upper body strengthening will be a good choice for some exercise. Do youa ll agree?
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    sounds like a plan, but as it is a relatively new injury for you I wouldnt be making too many plans until you see a PT. That is the best thing about what you have written, - you are going to get guidance from somebody who can tell you what you should and shouldnt do based on your fitness, the severity of your injury, your weight issues (if you have any).

    We can guide you here, but without knowing the full story a hamstring injury can be aggrevated with the wrong advice - take the advice of somebody who knows your body better and tell them that you are frustrated to not be able to work out - they will help you xx
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member

    I know I'm jumping the gun, but I hate to think that all my hard work is going to go down the drain, so I have to remain vigilant. Unfortunately, the past two days have been HORRIBLE for me, as along with my hamstring issue, I've also been severely nauseated and vomiting everything. Today I've been able to hold down 2 crackers and 3 popsicles.

    I'm going to be put on a nausea patch tomorrow AFTER my MRI. Apparently it's not something I can have when I get my MRI. So, by tomorrow evening I hope my pain and vomiting will be under control!
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