5 Day Goal

MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
After spending a few days "off the reservation" (still logging but not being 100% honest) I have been toying with the idea of doing something silly to speed up this weight loss. I bought about a million lemons in preparation to starve myself to death for 10 days...


I hereby resolve that for the next five days I will:

1. Do cardio in the morning
2. Do strength in the afternoon
3. No bread or pasta - honest whole grains only (oatmeal, quinoa, bulgur, etc)
4. 80oz+ water every day (at least)
5. Intermittant fasting 2 days

I already eat pretty clean and I am vegan so I don't think it's possible for me to eat more veg if I tried!

After 5 days I will reassess my current desire to never eat again. :laugh:


  • Peyton115
    Peyton115 Posts: 75
    Bought a bunch of lemons in preparation to starve yourself? You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Lemonade diet? I JUST bought a bunch of lemons last night thinking about doing just that only to come to my senses that i like food way too much..... lol
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Bought a bunch of lemons in preparation to starve yourself? You wouldn't happen to be talking about the Lemonade diet? I JUST bought a bunch of lemons last night thinking about doing just that only to come to my senses that i like food way too much..... lol

    Yeah - was headed off to Master Cleanse Land. I even cooked up and froze dinner for the family for at least the rest of the week. HA!

    I have no problem fasting... I was just starting to panic about drinking all that nasty salt water and wasn't sure I could even drink all that damn lemonaid because it's a struggle for me to even drink 5 glasses of water a day now.

    I was just thinking I'd probably fail - and not because I couldn't handle the fast. :huh:
  • ksweere
    ksweere Posts: 11
    Ive done done this cleanse - it sucks, the salt water, the am toliet nastyness, the moodyness from the lemonade as your only food source....its really just not fun, and it screws up your metabolism.....put the lemons in water, or cook chicken with ginger and lemon, or over a salad. just not the cleanse!

    have you tried the crystal light to go packs in your water to increase consumption? that helps me sometimes, and its like candy....almost.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Like I said, I eat pretty clean and Crystal Light isn't something I'd ever consume. I think aspartame is really scary.
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member
    I love to 10 day fast!
    Well, not the first day or so but at day 4-5 it starts to cruise and afterwards you feel so clean and all revibrated. You feel food actually fuel you instead of weigh you down. I know there are some medical people who say the body will also seek out bad things and heal itself by targeting and metabolizing those baddies.... not sure on that but I could tend to believe it the way I feel after a good fast.

    Getting up the willpower to start is the big hurdle, especially with others cooking and eating in the house.
    Going along just fine, a llaa llaa, happy as a lark and then BOOM!! you come into a house smelling of cooking (even if it is only oatmeal) and my, oh my! Struggle city!!

    I like to keep up nutritional supplements during that time until the last two days when I finish by letting the body flush everything. Want to keep the Ca in the bones and somehow working out actually still builds muscle.

    It is not for everyone but for me the quick loss helps joints and ease of movement. There are even people who are a healthy weight that are proponants of fasting as a way to keep healthy.
    Some people regularly fast one day a week.

    Historically, even eating once a day was a big thing. It was hard just finding a food source let alone a balanced diet, so I know genetically our bodies probably handle lack of food better than too much because those people survived.

    So, all in all, I like various fasting strategies in moderation as part of a whole life health plan

    Like I said, not for everyone.

    Just some thoughts,