Doing it all for nothing? Feels llike it



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  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    My weight has been back and forth so many times it's not even funny. Now I only weigh myself about 1x/mo, b/c those fluctuations (esp. for women) can make you lose hope. But keep at it, and the trend will be, over the long haul, that you will see a downward shift. More importanly, you'll be getting healthier. And that's a big reason to keep going, no matter what the scale says.
  • rwarren2
    rwarren2 Posts: 25
    I encourage you to keep on going; it may seem like it's for nothing, but it is worth it in the end :-)
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    We've all been there! Do not be discouraged, the important thing is you are being healthy and taking care of your body. If you are exercising regularly, you may have gained muscle mass instead which takes up less room in your body, but weighs more than fat. Just because you gained a few pounds, doesn't mean you haven't lost in inches! Try measuring your waist and other parts. Sometimes losing inches is as equally rewarding as losing weight.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Keep a log and over the long run you will see this happens a lot along the way. I remember another member saying it frustrated him to see someone give up when the loss was right around the corner.

    I lose very slowly, like 1/2 pound a week if lucky. So I can flux 1 up 1 down........and then BAM 2 gone.

    The body is a wonderous machine. I hiked once for 3 days, eating good healthy foods the entire time. I thought "YES I will have dropped 5 pounds.!" NOPE I gained 7:noway: But my jeans were looser and I lost the weight a week later.

    Dont give up!!
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    All my weighins are at the Dr.'s: same scale. I'm always clothed, usually in my jeans and a shirt, no shoes. Usually I weigh in at noon, today it was 5:00. Not much to account for the gain. I've opened my food diary, if anyone wants to look.

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Well, it looks like you are doing several things well--exercise, snacking, keeping your sodium within the recommended range, staying within your calories, recording the separate ingredients in your sandwiches, etc. I´m not sure if any of my questions will help, but I´m just brainstorming, so bear with me. Is there any reason your doctor should check thyroid or parathyroid hormones, just in case? Can you ask him what level of sodium he recommends for you? I´m asking just in case, because people that should have low sodium diet, should keep it at 1500. Not that you need a low sodium diet, who knows, it might be the opposite, you might NEED the 2500-level. I just noticed you are closer usually to the 2500 than not.
    And next, is there any chance you might benefit from eating less at dinnertime? (The 3rd snack is after dinner, right? What if you had that third snack in the morning, instead, or early in the afternoon?) Just brainstorming.
    Oh, and I´m not a doctor, or a nutritionist, by the way, so I´m not pretending to know about all that stuff...
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    What time of the day did you go to the dr's office and how much did you eat and drink before hand? If you drank a lot of water and ate, your body hasn't had a chance to flush that all out yet, so it will give an inaccurate reading. I weight myself right when I wake up in the morning and go to the bathroom first. You have no food and no liquids in your stomach.

    Sometimes we all hit a plateau, and usually the first bit of weight loss is in fact water weight, but don't let this discourage you! Take a look over your diary and see if you are going over your sodium levels. If you are (like me some days) then your body is going to retain water.

    Whatever you decide to do, don't ever give up! If you have a scale at home, take a 5 pound weight and put it in every room of the house until the scale says 5 pounds. Leave the scale there and weigh yourself from there. I find the scales that dr's offices use very inaccurate.

    I took a look at your diary and saw that over the past week there are days that you went over on sugar and fat. That could be a reason why you gained back some.

    There are a number of factors that could have contributed to it. I know I was having that problem and still am, and are working hard to correct, but don't ever give up :)
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    I think you might want to change up your numbers on your diet... you seem to be heavy on sugars and fat several times a week... look for proteins in a different manner that does not include fat... at this point in the weight loss game... there isnt much room for cheat meals.. avoid fried foods... fast food type things..
    in the big scheme of things, plateaus ( for lack of a better word) are normal and can last days to months... it is perserverance and discipline. You have to decide what you want and why you want it.
    I find what helps me is reading labels... It helps me to say no... "do I really want to put that in my body right now". I also will go on line to see what I can order healthy, before I go out to eat. Honestly, I dont even want to go out right now.
    I am thinking for me, there will come a time where I can be more lenient on what I allow myself to eat, but I have to reach a level where I can still maintain the work I have done this far.
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Re-examine how many calories you are attributing to your exercise. You may be way off on that estimate and thus going over on calories. Second, the first hundred yards doesn't determine a marathon. It could just be water weight gain, etc. stick to it, watch your calories and I'm confident you'll see results :smile:
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Don't get discouraged -- I have found that scales lie!

    You typically weigh in around 12:00, and this weight was taken around 5:00 -- you very easily could have gained water weight in that time. I am a constant weigher -- I can fluctuate between 2-5 pounds during the day, just from water.

    Last week, I kept gaining as well -- couldn't figure it out -- thought I was doing the right things, but the scale kept climbing. My Wii Fit kept asking me questions why? Unfortunately, there is no "I don't know, so just back off" button! I ended up coming back down, but it was SO frustrating!

    Keep up the good work -- and remember that the scale is just one number. (and remind me of that later, as I am starting to plateau).
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    All of my sugars are coming from things like carrots, my fruits, etc. I don't eat anything sweet. As for my sodium, I can drop that, but I don't think my 4 pounds are water related, not all of it, anyway.

    If I drop my fruits and nuts because of the fat and sugar content, and the sodium, I just don't know what to eat. I don't want the third snack in the first place, just trying to use up my calories.

    Maybe I just don't understand thia whole thing. Maybe I just need a structured diet. But then I can't find half the things on it in this littlel podunk town.

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