Slim Fast Shake

hey there, I just started the slim fast diet about 3 wks ago now.. I heard from some one it cause's your hair to fall out in clumps?!!? has anyone else heard this?... might re-consider it.


  • pretentiouskate
    Honestly, just eat healthy foods - a diet based on processed shakes isn't going to be very sustainable OR healthy.

    Edit: that sounded really judge-y! I just have heard anecdotal stories about it being terrible for you.
  • rachyrach1234
    Thats Because Your Mal Nutritioned!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I never followed the Slim Fast diet, but I do occasionally drink the shakes if I'm in hurry and don't have time to make breakfast :)
  • missy204
    missy204 Posts: 30
    Yeah I only drink the shake like one day out of the week. It was just a starter for me to get going on the right mind frame of thinking about calories. Not judge mental at all hun, I appreciate your response. I"m def. going to stop after my last shake here. That thought totally creeped me out!
  • blondiebabe
    It doesn't really have everything in it that you need. I mean yes, it's got vitamins and stuff, but it's really important to eat a healthy diet. So if you're dead-set on doing that then make sure that the meals you do eat are balanced and I would recommend taking a mulit-vitamin with it. I will grab a shake sometimes for breakfast when I'm on the go, but it's not a diet that I would recommend, especially for long-term weight loss.
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    Too much sugar. Synthetic bliss. Lack of veggies, fruit, lean protein, fiber that the body needs. IMO - waste of money.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    hey there, I just started the slim fast diet about 3 wks ago now.. I heard from some one it cause's your hair to fall out in clumps?!!? has anyone else heard this?... might re-consider it.

    WTF? I've done the Slimfast diet & all my hair stayed in... LMAO. That's odd. Did she eat a good dinner & the snacks?! Lol I don't recommend SLimfast at all because it's only a temporary fix but I really don't see how it would make your hair fall out if you did it right.
  • missy204
    missy204 Posts: 30
    Haha yeah I didn't really see how it would either. I don't know really he just told me. But, I'm thinking i'll be ok on my own with out it.
  • peepocheck
    peepocheck Posts: 57 Member
    I've tried the Slim Fast shakes before and landed up drinking them like milkshakes. They're delicious! 2 years ago when I went on a diet to keep from being diabetic I began with Atkins shakes. They're only 160 to 170 calories and 15 grams of protein. They keep me farely full and they're also delicous. I drank one per meal (breakfast and lunch). Then I'd have a well balanced filling supper. Of course being at work helped me keep my mind off eating. I lost 20 lbs. in about 4 mths. I also exercised by walking an hour a day...not fast...just what I could comfortably handle. I still have this weight off after 2 years. As to hair falling out I think that's not valid. Slim Fast has the necessary nutrients so there should not be any side affects. Good luck on your future weight loss. Just do what you find works for you and keeps you full.
  • missy204
    missy204 Posts: 30
    thanks peep =)
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I don't do the slim fast shakes but I DO use protein shakes. A multi-vitamin may help to prevent hair loss if you're set on doing the shakes.
  • missy204
    missy204 Posts: 30
    Yeah thankfully I am already taking a multi vitamin
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Never heard of that.

    Slimfast was actually a good way for me to jumpstart my diet and I lost 10lbs. I didn't follow it exclusively, some days I'd replace one meal with it instead of two and have the meal I did replace be around 300 calories.

    People will probably sound all preachy and like "oh it doesn't have everything you need" but honestly it was better for me the crap I would have been eating. I tried shakeology and it was gross! Now I replace some meals with slimfast, usually if I don't have alot of time and I cook from my new hungry girl cookbook and have maintained my weight loss and lost more weight. If it works I say don't mess with a good thing.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    For the calories your getting out of that can, you could easily be eating a healthy filling meal - Use MFP to track your calories, and within reason you can typically eat what you want (using common sense of course) One of your meals should not come from a can think veggies, fruits, meats etc.
  • lmcamero2
    no....i have had great results with slim fast as a meal replacement.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    skip it....too many risks unless you like being bald or having kidney stones and then trying to eat "normal" later on only to find that your new "normal" packs on the lowers your metobolic rate too much