Women close to 50 and slooooow weightloss

BizzyBee62 Posts: 20 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I have noticed that I'am really having trouble losing weight this time and I wonder if it is because I'am so close to 50? (ouch, that hurt just writing it..LOL) This is really the first major attempt that I have made for a couple of years and it just seems as if I'am losing so slowly even though I'am doing most things right, (I'am not exercising yet...that is why I didn't put all things right:) If you have any ideas on what helps to speed things up a bit I would appreciate it and also just letting me know if you are experiencing the same thing helps.
"At my age...happy hour means nap time!"


  • traceybett
    traceybett Posts: 206 Member
    Friend request sent. You will get there..... someone once said to me... it's a marathon, not a race. It's a lifestyle change.
    Don't give up! It WILL come off!
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    Hi There. I am close to 50...too close it hurts. not really but anyway, I have thought that I am losing weight rather slowly also. I plateaued for about 2.5 weeks. A few friends suggested that maybe there is some medication that I am taking that is slowing things down. I am
    on pain medication and a few others, so it certainly could be a possibility. I have re-started losing, so I think it will just take more patience than normal. so thats my only advice....hang in there. if possible, try and do some exercise and maybe that will start things up for you.
    Good luck on your adventure!!!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Yep. I'm 46 and it took me 4-5 months to lose 25 lbs. I think if you accept the fact that it is going to be a slow process it will be easier. Patience and perseverance are your best friends. Follow the program and see what happens...oh and exercise definitely helps. I could not survive on 1200 cals. Exercise allowed me to eat more so that I could stick to the program. Good luck!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    Yep, it's very common for those our age to find that losing weight isn't as easy as it used to be. The exercise should help. Anything to boost your metabolism!!!
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    I turned 50 last year. I started my weight loss journey last year on my own and lost 8lb. This year I joined MFP and have lost 6lbs already. Yes it is harder, and I know that since I have a sit down job now doesn't help any. But this is a life style change and not a race like someone said. I know I am already healthier inside per blood work from last year to this year.
  • clwasmer
    clwasmer Posts: 57 Member
    OH heck yeah and hypothroidism bites in the butt too... I had to join the y to get motivated to work out and now I'm losing the weight and having a good time!! Zumba is awesome and fun
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