Binge Weekend Recovery

I had a terrible, horrible, disgusting weekend that carried over into my Monday. I didn't log all weekend because I didn't even want to know, BUT I logged tonight, and lets just say "if everyday were like today..." I'd gain 13 lbs in 5 weeks. YIKES!!! Told you it was bad.

Anyways, I HAVE to get back on track. I kind of want to do a cleanse for a couple days to get all the nasties out and feel healthy again. Does anyone know of a good cleanse or a good way to get my butt back in gear?


  • markmanby
    markmanby Posts: 6 Member
    LOL, I have been upping what i am burning during the week as the last few weekends and a couple more coming up i have gigs and bike events which always involve a sudden high intake of alcoholic calories. finding out what calories are in beer is always a bit hit and miss so i add a few extra to be safe. but what is the point of going through all the training and eating healthy if you cannot let loose every now and then and have fun :tongue:
  • JackboyE
    JackboyE Posts: 32 Member
    It'll just have slowed it down a tad. If you go back to your usual counting, it will bring it back down to normal.

    If you're that concerned you could always do some exercise and not eat the calories back haha