Oh Where Oh Where is 179

I believe I have officially hit a platue. ALREADY!!!
For 2 weeks I have been Yo-Yoing between 183-180.5 but I don't seem to be able to see 179 on my scale. Unfortunetly I know my scale is not broken as it is brand spankin' new lol.


Any suggestions? I would like to get working on making the 170's dissapear!


  • ShellyBee
    ShellyBee Posts: 117
    I believe I have officially hit a platue. ALREADY!!!
    For 2 weeks I have been Yo-Yoing between 183-180.5 but I don't seem to be able to see 179 on my scale. Unfortunetly I know my scale is not broken as it is brand spankin' new lol.


    Any suggestions? I would like to get working on making the 170's dissapear!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    I'm stuck too :frown: ...
  • AlbertSchwartz
    I sit here pulling this zoolander face all day and its not helping... :laugh:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    It's no big secret. Just continue to drink lots of water, stay under your numbers each day, and exercise.
    It'll eventually happen! The scale WILL go down!!!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    It's no big secret. Just continue to drink lots of water, stay under your numbers each day, and exercise.
    It'll eventually happen! The scale WILL go down!!!

    the scales are going down, if they don't show a loss that is lol
  • smsmithart
    smsmithart Posts: 26 Member
    Try to burn at leat 500 cals a day and that 1 lbs a week without dieting ..
    I work out twice a day 250 cal each and keep my take in calories 1000..I'm down 10lbs
  • AlbertSchwartz
    Sorry ShellyBee, i'm jackin your thread a bit...

    I train 6 times a week and do a minimum of 800 cals per session
  • ShellyBee
    ShellyBee Posts: 117
    I am currently working out 30 min 2x a day 6 day's a week, drinking water and eating the recommended calories. I was just wondering if anyone had some suggestions. Sometimes changing a few things around is all it takes. LOL
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I believe I have officially hit a platue. ALREADY!!!
    For 2 weeks I have been Yo-Yoing between 183-180.5 but I don't seem to be able to see 179 on my scale. Unfortunetly I know my scale is not broken as it is brand spankin' new lol.


    Any suggestions? I would like to get working on making the 170's dissapear!

    When this happened to me I kicked it up a notch...started doing any physical activity that would burn calories, like mowing lots, drinking tons of water, walking around the block (30 min walk fast)...walking the beach each night too...just really was on the move! It worked!
    I need to do that again too, I am in a slump lol
  • mecm16
    mecm16 Posts: 13
    I'd been feeling a little disheartened lately because the number on my scale wasn't going down either. In about a week and a half (when I started a new fitness regime) I lost about 10 pounds, and then for the next 3 weeks I hadn't lost any! Instead of just weighing myself yesterday, my trainer did my body composition analysis and turns out I've lost 5% body fat! The numbers on the scale don't show that change, but you can see it in other ways.

    So - Maybe if you've been working out more lately you've made muscle and lost fat, which could mean the numbers on the scale are stuck but that your body IS changing...

    Just a though...
  • AlbertSchwartz
    ok, sod it, i'm gonna heva rest this week then start triathlon training next week
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Believe me, I understand!! For a long time I was stuck at that exact weight..finally burst through and hit 177...then lost over vacation and got to 171....and have been stuck there for 2 weeks! GRRR!!! I wanna see the 160's!!! DAG NABIT!!!!!

    Just keep on, keepin on! That is my motto around here. You are doing everything right and eventually your body has no choice but to catch up!!

    Good luck!!! :)
  • ShellyBee
    ShellyBee Posts: 117
    Thank you everyone for the support. I am going to kick it up a notch and try....I did say try not to weigh myself until next Thursday(gonna be hard).
    Slow and steady will win this race anyways!
  • drtbottom
    drtbottom Posts: 14 Member
    Well ShellyBee i am in that same spot trying to push. We can do it, i am on my way to the gym now. 400 calories in 30 minutes heart rate crazy high, at least 165-170 then go walk with weights while your heart rate subsides. It helps you cool down without the automatic stop. While your heart rate is up you can sneak and burn a few more calories. :-) GOOD LUCK!
  • newfiejeff
    Hi, forget the scale and do some weight training that will get it going. I am doing the Insanity program and if that dont take it off nothing will, I am mixing it with some weight training and I can see big difference. It's not all about weight but your whole mental mind will change when you start to see your body take a new shape.
    Bring it!!!
  • pearlyfatcat
    pearlyfatcat Posts: 31 Member
    I am wondering the exact same thing! I have been going back and forth between 183.8 and 180.2. I just want to be 175, so I am finally considered overweight and not OBESE!