wendyco Posts: 122 Member
So Im REALLY trying to stay in this but keep deviating....SO I've decided to re-start the C25K hopefully no later than next monday (as early as possible though) and I'm signing up for a 5k (Bridle trails 5k in bellevue WA).

NOW.....anyone....literally ANYONE willing to be a running buddy through this? I am just starting....and dont mind someone who may be faster than me (a will try to keep up)...or slower (will keep motivated). I live by the microsoft campus in redmond...anyone out there? I just moved...and im desperate for companionship lol...

Also, if NOONE cares to be buddies..anyone can suggest somewhere to go to find one ? running/walking clubs or gatherings?

Thanks all bunches~ :)


  • shumatet1982
    Too bad I live in germany. Even though I am a VERY bad runner, walker, jogger, whatever, I would have started with you. I am in kind of a fitness rage right now.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    you could try
    I've seen some gatherings for running/walking for groups of folks around the area.
  • CarolMorris66
    I am running the C25K with a friend and it does make such a difference... it is to easy to stop on your own, but determined not be be worse than her and she is the same.... Wouldn't have it any other way now.... good luck in befriending somebody and more luck with the C25K.... we are repeating most weeks to be sure we are ready to move on... slow and steady wins the race :-)
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks everyone! well I checked meetup but the groups I find have mostly only running people at a MUCH faster pace than I... =\

    Im jealous of ur buddy =*( lol I hope I find one too!