Time to eat?

sehncw99 Posts: 73
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
The other day i heard you are not suppose to eat with in like 3 hours of each other..well i eat breakfast at 7 finish my yogurt around 730 have a snack at 10-1030 eat lunch at 1230 have a snack at 330 then eat dinner around 630 and snack at 8..i know its alott!! but i thought you were suppose to eat many times a day!??


  • rachel871
    rachel871 Posts: 113 Member
    I'd heard that you should have six small meals a day to keep your metabolism going, but then my doctor said try and stick to three square meals and don't snack in between!!

    So I guess it's another case of whatever works for you! :) x
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    Well I do the exact same, a big meal at 6.30am, small snack at 10-10.30, then lunch at 12-12.30, then a small snack at 2.30pm and then a low calorie hot choc at 4.00pm and dinner at about 6.00pm and a another small snack at 8.00pm. I always thought its about the calories in and not the time they come in, but eating regularly helps stabilize blood sugar to reduce cravings.
  • My schedule:

    6:30am eat
    7:30 workout
    9:30 midmorning snack ( usually a granola bar) and maybe a coffee
    noon eat
    2:30 or 3pm midafternoon snack
    5pm dinner

    It seems to work best for my metabolism I also take a vitamin that is supposed to boost my metabolism and I take B-12
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    I don't think it matters.

    Eat whenever suits you, as long as you don't leave yourself hungry, or go over your calories.

    I've set my diary in times, and you can see that I eat at very odd hours sometimes.
  • patssarah
    patssarah Posts: 146 Member
    Heres what I have been doing.. I read it is best to eat every few hours and I eat a very small dinner by 5 and then nothing before bed.
    I get most of my calories during the day and eat very little for dinner (or atleast try)

    7am ~300cals for breakfast
    9am workout
    10am ~200cal snack(protein)
    noon~300-400cal lunch
    2pm workout
    3pm ~200cal snack (protein)
    5pm ~300cal dinner (try to stick to low carbs for dinner)

    I eat back about half of my excercise calories because I only use estimates for the calorie burn, and I know they arent 100% accurate. Once a week I splurge and eat/drink about an extra 500-700cals usually on the weekends. And my weight loss averages 2lbs per week.
    I think what your doing looks great! And it seems to be working for you so I would stick with it Shannon!!

    Your doing great! :)
  • KristaPFT
    KristaPFT Posts: 63
    You are right that eating smaller more frequent meals a day is better practice. As long as you are distributing your calories throughout the day as balanced as a possible and not eat about 2-3 hours before you go to bed then you are fine. Typically every three hours is when you start to get hungry again, that is why people say to eat every three hours. I hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Eating smaller meals throughout the day as opposed to 2 or 3 massive meals is better anyway. Keep that fire burning.

    Eat when you're hungry!
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