Does anyone else weigh more than they should?



  • Cydnie197
    Cydnie197 Posts: 38
    i'm not sure i get it, your daughter weighs less than you did and wears a smaller size, that seems to make sense to meee

    I think that it's more that someone a size 1 = 103 pounds and someone a size 3 = 120 pounds. You'd think that there wouldn't be a big a difference for only one size up.

    Yep, That is what I meant, I guess I just didn't explaing it well. Thanks for translating!!
  • tahoemads
    tahoemads Posts: 64 Member
    It's all due to genetics, body build, bone density and lean muscle mass!

    No body is alike, so some people carry their weight more evenly distributed, or don't have has much lean muscle tissue, etc. That's why the scale is not our best measurement tool! Generally yes, but not always! Also, when you build muscle and lean out, you may weigh more but fit into smaller clothes. That's because muscle is more compact, and makes you appear much thinner than the scale may reveal. Every heard of skinny fat? No thank you!
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Most people think I weigh less than I actually do.....and always have. I've said "I'm built like a brick outhouse." (so to speak). I was visiting with my aunt about a month ago, and she could not believe that I had lost as much weight as I had or that I weighed as much as I did when I began this journey.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    I do !! i guess my bones are heavier . When i first joined gym even my trainer said you're 153 ?! wow you don't look 153 :P
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Let me explain, I don't mean "who else is overweight", I mean "do you fool the guess-your-weight ppl at amusement parks because the scale says a higher number than what ppl see?"

    I win a prize off the "Guess Your Weight" guy every single time!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! Such a confidence booster!!!!
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I tend to shock people when I say that I'm 150 and 5'2.5". I think it's just how my weight is pretty evenly distributed, but I do "carry it well" I suppose. Which is nice, instead of wanting to get down to 120, I'm only shooting for 135-140 because I'll look 120. Right now I'm a size 6 (sometimes an 8 depending on the store) and usually a small or medium on top unless the shirt runs incredibly tight. Once I get down to my goal weight, I'll most likely be a size 4. I don't know how or why, but its just the way my body is built, I"m not complaining! haha

    Same with me! People didn't believe me when I said I was 156. Even at 160, I was wearing US size 8/10 pants. Now I'm 6/8 (6 only if it runs large) at 148 lbs and I still don't look that different anyway. I carry all my weight in my hips and thigh area, so I lose inches around my waist and my hips pretty much stay the same. It takes a lot of pounds before I actually start burning the fat I collect in my hips. At my lightest, 130 lbs about 6 years ago, I was a size 6. I wonder if I go down to 130 now, whether I could fit into size 4 pants. I think I definately have more muscle mass now because I work out a lot more than ever and I've taken up running, which I didn't do before.