I'm Discovering That I'm Stronger Than I Know!

I''ve been an MFP member since mid-January 2011 and have never experienced the power of such a supportive, motivated, caring group of people all committed to losing weight, maintaining weight, getting fit, getting healthy and a whole host of other personal goals.\

I started off with incredible determination and results to show for my hard work. I cleared all of my previous hurdles effortlessly and I couldn't figure out why it had always been so difficult before. And then the hurdles reared up to trip me. The ghosts and voices and insecurities of the past came back with a vengence. There have been a couple of times I have fallen--but with my new support network, I kept getting back up--learning to trust and believe in myself. But it's been harder and harder to bounce back. My new, strong voice was getting drowned out by the old messages and it was easier and easier to slack off.

My workouts decreased in length and intensity. My food consumption was creeping up and up and at first I was logging everything, and then left more and more out until I was logging on the site and reporting the workouts, but not the food.

I ate and ate over this weekend and through yesterday. I was acting just like the old fat, out of control, hateful person I thought I had left behind.

I ate non-stop yesterday, went grocery shopping with every intention of eating myself into a stupor for the rest of the night, along with the usual promises of "I'll start back tomorrow!". And then I realized I could stop NOW--just stop. I could practice my new behaviors and show myself just how strong I had become--just like I see how many more pushups I can do not--I can show myself how strong my my desire is to have changed. So I posted a desperate message and drank down 2 huge glasses of water and held on. And I made it through. My friends got me through--even when I had pretty much given up on myself, they hadn't--and they reminded me of that fact.

Anyway, I broke the cycle yesterday. I have come back to this new day with an appreciation for myself that will help me get through the next struggle--because I know it will happen again, I know this--but I am more prepared now. I know I can do this. I know I can throw out my life preserver (because that's exactly what I'm doing--saving my life) and it will be picked up and I'll be pulled in to safety.

So, I've recommited myself to myself. It's a new day, I get another chance (and another and another--as many as I want) and I can't wait to continue flexing my new behavior and belief muscles.

Thanks to all of my friends, I wouldn't still be here without you and I mean that will all of my heart!


  • Aintplayin
    Aintplayin Posts: 102
    You're right. It's a new day. You recognized your behavior and took control. That right there is progress. The biggest fight you're gonna have is to stay in. Fight to stay determined. You deserve it. Keep on keepin on :wink:
  • Bluesman77
    That is awesome! It shows how much power we actually have with just one decision. This journey is about so much more than just losing weight. It is about becoming stronger people. You have an awareness now that you didnt have have before. You took control of your life. Our successes and regrets are based on our own power. I am so proud of you for making the choice that you did. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you!
  • ChunTingO
    ChunTingO Posts: 225 Member
    wow that was beautiful and straight from the heart, really i started to tear up when you were talking about falling and reaching out for help. You have a great attitude! keep up the good work cause your words motivated me to want it and to be stronger.
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    wow i saw the name of the thread and thought it was about weight training! but obviously was about something a lot deeper than that.

    you've done an amazing job turning your life around and making better choices - yesterday's incident is a tribute to how far you've come. just got to keep it up!

    hope you're having an AMAZING day today :flowerforyou: