Paleo support group II

Since we reached 500 post the other thread is locked, so I thought I would start a new one.

To all the haters this is not a debate thread about Paleo, there are other threads to do that on. This is for people that are already doing Paleo/Primal/caveman/low carb diets or those interested in learning more about them.


  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Thanks for starting a new thread! It does automatically make a new one though. but I'm happy to have a new one since it's haunting me that I spelled Paleo wrong in the last one ;) lol
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    I didn't know it started a new one, where at and under what name?
  • totalimageguy
    totalimageguy Posts: 62 Member
    I have been doing Primal/Paleo for about 12 weeks now.
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    Replying so I can find the new thread! Still going steady on Primal / Paleo / whatever (I'm eating Greek yogurt and having a daily protein shake, so call it what you will). Stuck at a mini-plateau for 3 weeks, so I'm staying off the scale until Friday. I still have plenty to lose, and I've been pretty much on track with minor indulgences (wine usually) on the weekend. I might try scaling back my macadamia nuts (sob!). If someone wants to look at my diary please friend me - I'm open to suggestions!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    freerange, have been replying to the continuation of our last thread, found here:
  • AshCarlson
    AshCarlson Posts: 122
    Thanks for starting another thread! Going strong on Paleo with the exception of a daily protein shake and occasional brown rice :smile:

    Let's keep each other motivated!!!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Ok so I'm an idiot, didn't know MFP would auto start a new thread "part 2" when it locked the old one. We can let this one die and stay on the other one.
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    Awesome. Thank you! We Paleo People do need the support. I will be sure to check this regular as opposed to the last one where I fell way behind.
  • NanRunsOnPaleo
    NanRunsOnPaleo Posts: 55 Member
    Ok so I'm an idiot, didn't know MFP would auto start a new thread "part 2" when it locked the old one. We can let this one die and stay on the other one.

    Oh ok!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Hi everyone! I have been ill, hence not posting. Going to bed, tomorrow if I feel better will read everything here then post ...
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Ok Ok Ok I might probablyy be kicked out of this group now!

    Well I was ill, stomach flu or something then my aunt passed away. In the first few days I barely ate ... THEN I sabotaged myself by pigging out on breads and cinnamon rolls. YEA, I kept telling myself to stop BUT I just kept on eating. I never realized until now that I eat when I have emotional problems. Now 2 weeks has passed, I felt fine with the death I have accepted it. But my body feels like crap of course due to my binge or whatever you want to call it. So I need someone out there to give me a BIG Ol' swipt kick in the butt so I get back in gear. Motivation needed!!! I feel like sh$t to failing ... but I still have enough motivation to get back on the backwagon !!! Where are my Paleo Primal Ppl at?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I just started paleo fully yesterday. Though I did eat a tiny bit of cheese both yesterday and today, oh well. I have subscribed to the idea that fat is good for you for a while, but it has just been recently that I have discovered all of the bad news about grains, wheat in particular, so I decided to give paleo a shot. I am immediately impressed with the quantity of food that I can fit into a day without grains.

    My wife is still on the fence, she says she is going to try it, but doesn’t want to give up milk. I haven’t dug up any significantly bad information on milk especially since we buy organic grass-feed whole milk and I don’t want to push her into it. My 2yr old daughter also loves milk. So is anyone doing this with kids and converted a resistant spouse?
  • CelticChick2011
    Paleo and loving it. I've lost 8.6 lbs in a month. lost 6 1/4 inches. not starving. I miss the bread and cheese...but I'm feeling SO much better!!! tennis elbow gone. carpal tunnel gone. dry skin....going away. hair and nails super strong. i know it will take me about a year to get down to my goal weight...but i figure if i keep eating this way, i'll get used to it and keep it going after I get to my goal weight. A huge change from my carb-heavy diet...but its nice not having to worry about a starch for dinner. :-) GO TEAM PALEO!!!!
  • paleosue
    paleosue Posts: 6
    I'm new around here, and found this via a Google search. Is there another paleo thread, or is this it?

    Also has anyone tried to start a paleo support group in person? I am thinking of trying it but I'm not sure what kind of response I would have.
  • sara_alexandra
    sara_alexandra Posts: 65 Member
    Hi ALL-I'm a crossfitter who is getting back into paleo because i felt awesome while on it and think grains and dairy are stupid! So, just wanted to post and introduce myeslf!

  • brievamp
    I'm starting to eat Paleo again after about 6 months of "fallen off the wagon". I'm wondering if anyone knows good nutrient guidelines (for fibre, fat and protein intake) so I can program my goals accordingly. I really don't like seeing all that red, even though I know fat and protein intake for the Paleo diet is normally much higher than the regular "dieting" guidelines.
  • number1mummyhen
    number1mummyhen Posts: 19 Member
    I'm just starting the paleo diet! Would be really happy to join as a group member or friend on this site for
    Support if anyone is interested. I'm currently 75kg, hoping to loose about 8kg, recently had a baby.
  • ninaleen
    ninaleen Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all, I'm trying a 60/40 or 70/30 Paleo. It is extremely hard because:

    1) I adore pasta, cream, and butter
    2) Vegetables make me feel bloated and sick
    3) I am getting really tired of eating bananas / fruit / nuts for every snack

    The reason I'm doing it because this method of eating is closest to my personal, ethically-accepted way of eating which is to stay away from chemicals and fake food as much as possible. Also weight is not so much an issue as general "Mommy flab" and against my personal old-school beliefs, I'm willing to forego the grains. But I gotta tell you.... so far this sucks. And I hate to diet. I'm hoping all of this helps me get a more defined core and more importantly help me clear my acne prone skin.

    My question right now is, what are some paleo-friendly snacks that do not require (too much) cooking and are NOT fruit or nuts???
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I faves are Avacodo, cherry tomatoes, carrots, brocolli
  • lukaseem
    lukaseem Posts: 2
    I started the "Whole 30" on April 1. I'm on day six and in the throws of horrible sugar cravings, irritability and lethargy (or commonly known as "Carb Flu"). I've been eating more as the program suggests, but I feel weak and awful. I feel bad for my husband and child as I am definitely not my best self. I need some advice, love to get over this stage of the program. Anyone?