low cal lunches and dinners?

Hey everybody,

I just reduced my calorie intake to 1200 and upped my exercise each day, but going from 1500 to 1200 calories a day, I need some suggestions on some low calorie lunches and dinners. Anything would help! Thanks so much!



  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I have a recipe for pork medallions with apples that runs under 300 cals a serving... But I caution you to make sure you are NETTING 1200 calories a day or you'll be doing serious harm to your body...

    if you're interested in the recipe, message me...
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    if you have upped your exercise you will still be able to eat more. Just make sure that when you are all done with the day that you have eaten 1200 calories. if you are allotted 1200 calories but burn 200 working out then you will get an extra 200 calories to eat so that you will still be at 1200 calories consumed for the day.
  • Dthgod
    Dthgod Posts: 6
    There are several meals you can do. But I would like to point out that you should eat at least some of your calories that you are now exorcising more. If you don't you run the risk of sending your system into survival mode and that makes it much harder to loose weight.

    I suggest with any meal that you want to keep low cal you try adding a salad. Also Salmon is very very good for you in the Cal department and to help your body get nutrients it needs. There are more options then I could possibly post here. Keep your head up and im sure you can fit things you love into your diet. :)
  • Maurey
    Maurey Posts: 44
    One of my favorites is Tuna salad. I use lettuce, celery, cucumber, tablespoon of light mayo, and grate some cheese on top. it works out to about 200 calories.
  • captbaka
    captbaka Posts: 10
    I know everyone's different, but this is just my two-cents. FYI: I personally am trying to cut out some carbs (especially sugar), so that may reflect my answer...

    For me, a great asset in the kitchen has been the kitchen scale.
    I'm half-Japanese, and in Japan (a country of lots of skinny women), they tend to eat about 100g of protein per meal. Sometimes I'll double up on the meat and take out a piece of bread. It's all about eating smart.
    I try to have 100g of protein and lots of veggies. Just trying to get your daily servings of vegetables should fill you up quite a bit during the day.

    If it's a super low-cal protein (like a can of tuna) I can even make a sandwich by using some APPROPRIATE bread (like Trader Joe's Complete Protein Bread: 90 cal/piece) or wraps (La Tortilla Factory Low Carb wraps: 110 cal).

    Just use your oil sparingly (I use about 1/4 T of coconut oil to cook meats for dinner), lots of veggies, minimal condiments (I love hot sauces and mustards), and bake or grill your food.

    I can have a ton of food on my plate because I cook this way.
    Hope this helps, and good luck!!!
  • stacilynn_1215
    stacilynn_1215 Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks everybody - And generally I do eat back my exercise calories. With spreading my exercise throughout the day, it helps me stay on track. But I have been finding that I am more hungry, so I was hoping to incorporate a few more low cal meals into my day so that I am not reaching for those yummy looking snacks my husband and my 17 month old love lol Its only one person on a diet in this house so Im doing my best. I appreciate all the advice!