Too much protein/ too much fiber?

I have learned I eat about 65-75 grams MORE than necessary with my protein and fiber. I always thought you couldn't get enough of those when it comes to weight loss? Is it bad that I am eating so much of them. It seems like everything has protein in it!


  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i upped my percentages on here for protein, fiber, & sugar & decreased my carbs & fat some. :o)
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I think fiber is fantastic and as far as I am concerned you can't get enough of it. Protein is another story. You don't want to OD on it because too much is bad for your kidneys, but for most people the MFP protein allowance is low. You find how much you need with an easy equation:

    your weight divided by 2.2
    Then you multiply that number by 0.8-1.5 depending on your activity level. If you have intense workouts many days a week, go for a higher number, if you hardly work out go for a lower one. I work out 5-6 days a week, high intensity, so I multiply by 1.2.
    That will give you how many grams of protein you should eat in a day.

  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    I think fiber is fantastic and as far as I am concerned you can't get enough of it. Protein is another story. You don't want to OD on it because too much is bad for your kidneys, but for most people the MFP protein allowance is low. You find how much you need with an easy equation:

    your weight divided by 2.2
    Then you multiply that number by 0.8-1.5 depending on your activity level. If you have intense workouts many days a week, go for a higher number, if you hardly work out go for a lower one. I work out 5-6 days a week, high intensity, so I multiply by 1.2.
    That will give you how many grams of protein you should eat in a day.


    Broscience at it's best
    too much protein isn't going to damage your kidneys unless you're on an extremely high protein diet with little carbs and fat for a long time.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Lots of protein, and fiber are ideal. I shoot for 40% protein in my diet. Mfp bases their numbers on dietary guidelines set up for people who live a sedentary lifestyle. If you workout, you will need more protein.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I think fiber is fantastic and as far as I am concerned you can't get enough of it. Protein is another story. You don't want to OD on it because too much is bad for your kidneys, but for most people the MFP protein allowance is low. You find how much you need with an easy equation:

    your weight divided by 2.2
    Then you multiply that number by 0.8-1.5 depending on your activity level. If you have intense workouts many days a week, go for a higher number, if you hardly work out go for a lower one. I work out 5-6 days a week, high intensity, so I multiply by 1.2.
    That will give you how many grams of protein you should eat in a day.


    Broscience at it's best
    too much protein isn't going to damage your kidneys unless you're on an extremely high protein diet with little carbs and fat for a long time.

    I learn something new every day. :smile: I always thought it would hurt your kidneys eventually, I'm glad to hear I'm wrong. Especially since I eat a LOT of protein daily.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I find the opposite. My protein quota is about 45 per day and I have never, not once managed to hit it, even today when I was really trying hard, having egg white omlettes and cheese, I was still 10 under. I am hardening in my belief most people have far more than they need, as I haven't died yet in 33 years of it!