How do you eat your exercise calories late in the day??



  • finity559
    finity559 Posts: 59 Member
    Maybe I'm bad, but I will sneak in a couple of cookies, home made popcorn, chocolate or SkinnyCow icecream. I try to eat healthy throughout the day so by the end of the day the last thing I want to eat is carrots or yogurt. I figure as long as I stay under my calories with sum to spare then I'm ok. I can't give up my snacks, Id be miserable, so I have them but in smaller portions.
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    I usually work out in the evening, right after work. So I time a snack about an hour before I leave work and try to make it protein-heavy. Beef jerky is one of my favorites but lately it's been cold and rainy and dreary, so I've been having a cup of hot chocolate, which I hope (?) is pretty similar to chocolate milk in terms of nutrition, just warmer! I also have nuts sometimes, or whole-grain crackers with or without peanut butter.

    By 4PM or so, you might have a sense of whether you're making it to the gym or not....?
  • CaraRadz
    CaraRadz Posts: 169 Member
    Okay. So I need to eat my exercise calories. I get it.


    Read this:
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    I don't think its a terrific idea to load up calories late in the day--personal opinion. I find I don't exercise if I don't plan the exercise. So I plan the exercise and eat the calories during the day. Sometimes that backfires, though--life gets in the way and the exercise doesn't happen as planned.

    I liked the idea someone posted--saving them for the next day. Are you listening MFP? Can we build that in somehow?
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    On my workout days I workout to eat dinner. I rarely have calories left at the end of the work day so my exercise calories usually are allotted for my dinner. I would spread out my calories so you can get them in earlier in the day (breakfast, lunch, snacks or if you are doing the 5 meals a day - your first 4 meals - load up w/ healthy foods).