P90X Starting in April(ish)

Hey Everyone!

I'm actually on day 8 of P90X but would love to start a new thread of people who are also just starting it out right now so we can support each other. I want to do the full 90 days straight, no breaks, no missed days, and would LOVE some support in that. I'm just talking the workouts, I'm not following the diet plan. Hopefully more people will join me in bringing it for the next 3 months!


  • misskelly121
    Hey. Im just started p90x too! Im on day 16 and doing the lean version. Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • nukehiker
    nukehiker Posts: 457
    Bump ...... count me in ! started yesterday, will be able to do the workout today worked night shift now i have to catch a plane home. but i will be bringing it tomorrow !!
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Good luck all!!! It's a great program and one that I credit my post-baby weight loss too! I'm here if you have questions or need help. I've completed it 6 x's since I started, 2.5 yrs ago! a light addiction! lol.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I'm just starting out with the standard version, and after the first full week I'm pretty much in love with it. Its completely kicking my butt and I love that I did 7 days of workingout with no repeats - a welcome change from doing 30 day shred, which is what I was doing before.

    Taryn, 6 times??? That's amazing! Is that you in your pic with Tony!?! Fancy.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member

    Taryn, 6 times??? That's amazing! Is that you in your pic with Tony!?! Fancy.

    Yup...guess it took 4 or so times to finally meet him! LOL. No, I was a success story for them (http://bit.ly/P90XPostBabyVideo), so they invited me to be on QVC a few times, so that was shot just after one of our shows we filmed. He's damn funny...good person, outside of the cheese you find on the videos!

    Keep it up sister, if you think you love the videos and program, just wait for the initial results. The Classic version is the bomb!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Just finished Plyo... holy crap, that's like the greatest workout ever... I still need to invest in a HRM, but I found an app on my found that reads heart rate, so I checked it every break and it was pretty consistently between 160 and 180. Awesome!