New found encouragement

For the first time ever my DH has to join me in weight loss. He had a physical this morning and was informed he MUST lose 10 lbs. I think he probably needs to lose 15 and then try to maintain within a 5 lb window. What sucks is that he only has 10 he must lose and I have at least 22 lb to lose.

Right now I have a few things that are keeping me going.

I am weighing out portions.
I am trying to eat the recommended servings per food group.
I am thankful for the Hungry Girl recipes and Skinny Girl recipes (a life saver for lunch as I am trying to stay away from processed foods)
I love THIS website and log. I can find a lot of what I am eating already loaded and that is so much better than other programs I have tried.

Some things I have learned.

Take vitamins daily
I don't get enough dairy and often have too many carbs
Get sleep
Plan ahead
Workout even when you don't want to
Know that this weight did not happen overnight and that it will take time to get it off. Today I weigh less than yesterday and tomorrow I will weigh less than today.