I have never....



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    been dancing, been high, been drunk, said the F word outloud! :-D

    I really wish that I could say I never said the F- word outloud.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I think there should be a max 5 yr expiration date..if u ask me

    I have never liked coffee....never had a sip in my life
    smeel makes me sick
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    been dancing, been high, been drunk, said the F word outloud! :-D

    I really wish that I could say I never said the F- word outloud.
    I have a truck driver mouth at times
    i have never gone the day w/ out a single curse word
    working on it
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I have never been in a hot balloon, but have always wanted to. I hope to once I reach my goal YEAH
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    I think there should be a max 5 yr expiration date..if u ask me

    I have never liked coffee....never had a sip in my life
    smeel makes me sick

    Oh and I was beginning to like you! LMAO - I LOVE coffee!!! And I'm good with the 5 yr expiration date - there's many a thing in my distant past I can't say never to!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i have never been on the west coast...other than that theres not much i havent done :wink:
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I think there should be a max 5 yr expiration date..if u ask me

    I have never liked coffee....never had a sip in my life
    smeel makes me sick

    Oh and I was beginning to like you! LMAO - I LOVE coffee!!! And I'm good with the 5 yr expiration date - there's many a thing in my distant past I can't say never to!

    Like a 5yr lease..trade in for something new :)
    clever, no?

    forgive me for not liking coffee
  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    been dancing, been high, been drunk, said the F word outloud! :-D

    I really wish that I could say I never said the F- word outloud.

    times i wish i could!!
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    [Like a 5yr lease..trade in for something new :)
    clever, no?

    forgive me for not liking coffee
    verrrrry clever - Forgivness granted :love:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Hmmm... never taken an illegal drug (though I have been high on prescribed pain killers after surgery), never gone on a cruise (going to someday though), never enjoyed a paid work position (working on changing that one too).
  • hjsyndrome
    hjsyndrome Posts: 215
    I have never judged a book by its cover, or associated a person to a group.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I have never been truly happy with myself....
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    never gone on a cruise (going to someday though),

    OOH! that's a good one - I'll use that one - I really want to go on a cruise. Maybe I'll make that my goal prize!
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    Hmmm... never taken an illegal drug (though I have been high on prescribed pain killers after surgery), never gone on a cruise (going to someday though), never enjoyed a paid work position (working on changing that one too).

    I have done the pain killer thing too.....those boob job drugs were AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im not gonna lie! HA ha ha ha!!! :tongue:
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Never have loved someone as much and deeply as I do my husband.
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    Never have loved someone as much and deeply as I do my husband.

    Me either sister! GREAT answer!!!! We met in college and all he had to do was look at me and I was like...stick a fork in me...im DONE!!!!! Going on 18 years this July. :smooched:
  • Cherrycandy
    Cherrycandy Posts: 200
    I have never judged a book by its cover, or associated a person to a group.

    LOVED this answer! :flowerforyou:
  • JE55Y
    JE55Y Posts: 333 Member
    I've never watched Greece
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    I have never used a daycare service...my oldest is 5.
  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Never seen The Sound of Music. And I hope to God to keep it that way! :laugh: