Just had a baby and ready to lose

I just had a baby a month ago, and so far i am doing great with losing the weight. I'm actually 20 pounds less than i was before i got pregnant. But there is a lot more weight i would like to lose but i feel like i have come to a stand still point im working very hard, but during my pregnancy i ate whatever i wanted to and now it is hard trying to eat well. I am doing well with the exercising but i just need to learn how to control my appetite and what i eat.


  • Anna19911
    Anna19911 Posts: 141
    I was in the same boat as you! Now my baby is ten months and i'm doing great! Feel free to add me!
  • MorganK33
    Its good that you are starting now! I unfortunately waited until I had my third child to regain my pre-baby body. My baby is going to be 2 yrs in May and I am starting now. I did really good after he was born and was down 10lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight then somehow managed to creep up 25lbs. NOT a happy camper. What I have found helpful is looking at alot of different foods. It also seems to help me if I ALWAYS add a protein to any of my meals or snacks. I found that I can eat an entire bag of (Dole brand) of raw cauliflower for about 80 cals and then if you buy ranch dip powder stuff and mix it with light sour cream you can use 2 TBS of dip for about another 80 cals. It gets me buy when I think Im starving ;0)

    Good luck to you, it sounds like you are off to a great start!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    For me it took some time for all the hormones to level out. They can really mess with your appetite. It will take a little time but if you make healthy food choices that will help.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    The best piece of advice I got after I delivered was "it took 9 months to get there, give yourself 9 months to get back." While obviously not completely accurate in your case as far as weight, it's still true as far as your ligaments, muscles, pelvis, etc. Be patient with yourself and your body as you learn a new way of living with baby and new health choices.
  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    Thanks for the advice I did really well with me eating yesturday so i hopefully i continue to keep it up, its just hard bc i am hungry even after i eat what i know is a decent size amount i am still starving
  • cait1986
    cait1986 Posts: 4
    I am 24 and my youngest is 2 years old now. I have an (almost) 7 year old and 4 year old as well. I lost all the weight I gained after having my first son. And only gained 10lbs while pregnant with my second son (I ate very healthy with my "boys"). Then, I got pregnant with my daughter and man oh man - sweets were my best friend. Before I was pregnant with her I craved salty foods and would rather eat carrots and dip then a chocolate bar. That all changed and even after my daughter was born, I continued to crave sweets. I gained 17lbs with her. I now have 60lbs to lose and I am determined to "stick with it". But, it's far from easy.

    I like to eat, and large amounts. What many people have said is very helpful. Rather then eating a few LARGE meals - eat MORE small meals. lol. Since I can only consume 1200 calories a day, I have tried to find recipes/meals to eat that allow me to eat more. For example - rather then eating one chicken sandwich (90 calories bread, 35 calories three slices of chicken and like 5 calories for dijon mustard) making it a total of 130 calories; I would eat 4 cups of compliments salad for 30 calories, 1 kirkland boneless skinless chicken breast (100g) for 85 calories. I like to add franks hot sauce on my chicken while in the oven and thats like a max of 10 calories if I use like 2tsp on a breast). I add a "calorie wise" dressing from Kraft (Roasted Red Pepper with Parmesean is great! for just 20 calories per tbsp. For 4 cups of salad I use 2tbsp, so 40 calories. Thats a total of 165 calories BUT - it is MUCH more food.

    Or rather then eating a banana for a snack that is worth 105 calories, I would eat a full pack of sugar free jello (40 calories for the entire thing!). And its practically water, so it's not like eating a tub of ice cream. lol.

    Another thing I wanted to point out... if you are breastfeeding you need to allow yourself to eat more calories each day. My sister is doing weight watchers and is allowed a certain amount of calories per day MORE because of breastfeeding.

    Have a great day!