30 day shred



  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    1st day of JM 30 DS........HARD! I completed the workout with a lot of breaks and exercise modifications....Dang, I'm out of shape! :cry:
  • momofcami
    momofcami Posts: 45
    Good luck fellow MFP'ers! I am doing the 30ds - started level 3 today. Up until a month before I started 30ds I hadn't worked out in years and had very little tone. 30ds has changed that. I'm still in disbelief that I am able to drive so much change in my body in only 20 minutes a day. It's a little tough - but it gets easier every day. I LOVE this woman for what she has given me in only 21 short workouts/days.

    How often do you do the workout?? I started it on Sunday this week and have done it 3 days in a row. Do yout ake any days off from it or do you go 7 days a week? Curious about what others do.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm trying to do all 30 days in a row, without a day off. That is my goal :)