What's your motivation?

Hey everyone... I'm interested to see what made you guys decide to make life style changes and the reasons you started to lose weight. Also what keeps you motivated?

For me I decided that I was living an extremely unhealthy life and I wanted to be healthy not only for me but for my family, friends, and my boyfriend. The things that keep me motivated are stepping on the scale and seeing smaller figures each time. My boyfriend is the best motivator of all. He started working out and getting healthy and is in great shape I began to start wondering how he could value health the way he does but be with someone so unhealthy like me. Even though cognitively I was thinking that I didn't deserve him he told me that no matter what happened, even if I were to gain 100 lbs instead of lose weight that he would love me the same.

Care to share key supporting people in your life?


  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Because I want my mom's approval.

    She told me she would love me more if I was skinny.
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    How my fiancee, friends and even people i see when i do volunteer work tell me how great I look and getting thinner each time they see me..the scale motivates me as well whether its a gain or a loss. Usually when i see a gain..makes me want to work harder on my nutritional and physical value. :bigsmile:
  • mcewan07
    mcewan07 Posts: 38 Member
    I want to be back to what i was before i had my kids, but the thing that is giving me my kick at the moment is that i am gtting married on the 1st august this year. I am hoping i will have lost about a stone or so by then, and then the fact that i look better will hopefully help me on my way to losing more and getting to my goal weight.

    The trouble i am having is that i am stuck on 12 stone, and cant move past it. This happened last time and i eventually got past it when my son went into hopsital, with the stress and not eatining more than 2 bits of cheese on toast (about 700 calls max?) for several days i managed to get past it, then my diet helpped me lose weight down to 10 stone.Now im back at being stuck at 12 and obviously i dont wish to starve myself to get under 12, so i am at a loss what to do.

    I guess we will have to see what next week brings
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Me, Myself and I :wink:
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Because I want my mom's approval.

    She told me she would love me more if I was skinny.

    My dad said that to me when I was 16... So I became anorexic.. Along side of that I got a bunch of emotional disorders and yo yo dieted. once I cut him out of my life and learned to love myself, I started getting in shape for myself. Your mom's love should be unconditional. do this for yourself, and if thats how she is then maybe you are better without her.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that... I know I'm blessed to have family who care more about my character than how much I weigh. I think you are beautiful and no matter what happens you have a friend in me :-)
  • LiL_MisS_C
    LiL_MisS_C Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone... I'm interested to see what made you guys decide to make life style changes and the reasons you started to lose weight. Also what keeps you motivated?

    My ex-boyfriend. He pushed me so much to be healthy and active like he was and I just rebelled against it. Now, that we're not together I feel like I want to get healthier for myself now. I don't deal well with someone trying to change me! lol. ;)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,311 Member
    It changes week to week.

    To start with I wanted to get fitter, I wanted to be able to run 10k and not feel like death. I have wanted to lose the baby weight since I first had a baby, so stopping breastfeeding was the next thing that got me wanting to start doing something for me. I had post viral fatigue last year and my doctor suggested exercise as a way to get better, so that was another thing.
    A close friend died a month ago, and my intense exercise started when he got ill in January, as a way to deal with the pain. If I felt like crying, I'd go for a run. Now it's habit more than anything. I haven't done any formal exercise today (just walked a couple of hours and joined in my son's karate class) and I feel restless and fat. My body craves exercise, and I like the results I am seeing.

    Today I put on a pair of jeans that used to be tight on me, and they are so loose I can take them off without unbuttoning them now.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,311 Member
    Because I want my mom's approval.

    She told me she would love me more if I was skinny.

    That is so sad, and in my opinion dreadful parenting. My mother has criticised my weight a lot in the past, even though I have never been overweight, but saying she loves you less for the weight you are is really cruel.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Today I put on a pair of jeans that used to be tight on me, and they are so loose I can take them off without unbuttoning them now.

    I can't wait for that feeling :-)
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    My boyfriend he supports me no matter what and he takes on so much. He works full time,goes to college two nights a week,studies,teaches kids golf once a week and other lessons yet he still finds the time to train twice a week as well as a match at the weekends(gaa) on top of serious hours of practice as he is a professional golfer. So the excuse i do not have the time does not work.We both put on weight last year when he had the season off and are both working hard to lose it together. I am a vegetarian and he is a big meat eater yet he cooks dinner for me all the time. He is the first person that gets the whole weight thing and why it is so important for me to get fit & healthy. My mom & sisters are all uk size 6's, I don't know what happened i must been MIA when they were handing out the skinny genes damn lol
    It is nice to have someone get it.

    Ps love the name. I call my neice coleybear(her name is nicole)
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Ps love the name. I call my neice coleybear(her name is nicole)

    I started calling my boyfriend Evy Bear (his name is Evan) then he started calling me Coley Bear (my name is Nicole too :-) )
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    So funny. I also call my boyfriend dalybear(his surname) and he calls me blondiebear.
    My niece is four and she loves it.

    Yes everyone else can pass the sick bucket lol
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    "A close friend died a month ago, and my intense exercise started when he got ill in January, as a way to deal with the pain. If I felt like crying, I'd go for a run. Now it's habit more than anything."

    * * *

    For me, it was when my dad's cancer came back and I felt strongly it would beat him this time. It was a way to deal with watching him suffer so much, so bravely, and the subsequent horrible loss of losing the most pivotal person in my life. He's still with me, just in a different way. I feel him when I exercise, particularly when I do yoga. I sort of feel that If I allow my mind to be quiet, I can sense him near. That's motivation enough for me.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    I feel him when I exercise, particularly when I do yoga. I sort of feel that If I allow my mind to be quiet, I can sense him near. That's motivation enough for me.

    That's so beautiful! I lost my dad when I was 14 months old. He had the gift to play guitar by ear and when I was about 7 years old my mom discovered that I could play piano by ear. I also play guitar but I have a better ear for piano. My family says that he passed on the gift to me when he died and I also feel like when I'm either playing the piano or guitar he is there with me.