The early weight loss is over. So how do I keep the weight l

In just under one month I have lost 20 lbs. I know that the weight loss at first is normally the fastest. So that being said who has tips on how I can keep my weight loss at 1.5-2 lbs per week going forward?

I currently weight 245 lbs (down from 265). I exercise 2-3 times per week for anywhere from 20 mins to 60 mins burning anywhere from 300 to 1300 calories each time.

I have cut my diet down to 1660 calories intake per day (sometime higher depending on calories burned during workouts).

I am very happy with how I have done so far, but know I will get easily frustrated if I can not continue to loose weight at a decent pace. Frustration could lead to not caring as much and slipping back in to old habits.

If you have any suggestions on what else I can do to keep the weight loss going I would greatly appreciate it.


  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    I'd say keep up with what you're doing. It may not be a steady as a decrease as what you're used to seeing, but you still still see a loss :) And I hope that is enough to keep you motivated! - With that much to lose, you should be ok to keep gong down down down!
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    Well done on your journey so far!

    Others will have lost of great stuff to say about keeping the weight coming off - including regularly changing what you do to exercise and burn calories, making sure you eat a varied diet and include tons of veg and some fruit.

    From reading your post I think it's your mental state that needs more of a boost. You're pre-empting yourself saying that you will get frustrated if you don't continue to lose weight at a decent pace and that this could cause you to fall back into old habits. Don't give yourself this excuse. You don't have to get frustrated and you don't have to go back to bad habits.

    You've seen it working, you know losing this weight is a marathon not a sprint because everything here tells you that.

    Last of all, love yourself. You're doing so well!

    Take care.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Why don't you keep doing what works for you. If you believe that wt loss will slow down, so what, you are getting into burning FAT and that takes time. That's a good thing because you want to change your physical wellness Lifestyle...and that takes time. You are more likely to stay Healthy if you go a little more slowly; chances are if you do some "crazy" Fast Diet or start eating so little calories that you can't stick with your plan, you will ADD that 20 back and 20 more before the end of the year. Just keep doing what is working for you...10/8/5 lbs.per month wt loss is GREAT!
  • michelegrayson
    Wow, 20 lbs in a month! Congratulations! I have lost 16 lbs and it has taken me almost 4 months! I lost 7 lbs in the first week and since then it has been averaging about 1/2 lb a week. And I've learned to be ok with that as I want this weightloss to be real, not a fad diet that I did. I am learning how to feed my body and how to take care of it and that takes time. I can now tell if I am REALLY hungry or if I am eating due to anxiety or boredom. And I've learned to cut 90% of the crap/processes food from my diet and eat REAL food. No more diet food for me.

    One thing I learned shortly after starting this program is that my RMR had dropped from 1650 a day to 1300 a day and I was eating too many calories if all I wanted to do was maintain. To make up for this loss I have had to up my workout BIG TIME. Today I work out at least 1 hour in the mornings (cardio such as running, biking, elliptical) and 1 hour later in the day doing the P90X lean program. I am doing that because the other contributor to the decrease in my metabolism besides age/hormones was the loss of muscles. So I'm doing the lean version of PX 90 to get muscle back to I up that RMR (the number of calories I burn each day even if all I did was get out of bed). So I work out everyday (on my rest day I stretch and walk to burn 300 calories).

    And Finally, I learned I really do need to eat AND workout. I can eat 1000 calories a day and starve myself but I will eventually gain that back. Worse, I will set my metabolism even lower so that drop to 1300 RMR was partly caused by starving myself. My body is a well tuned machine and it learned to save all the fat right on my body so that when I needed it, it was there :>) Now, I eat 1500 - 1800 calories and more when I earn it by working out.

    Hopefully some of these things will work for you! Good luck and keep up the great work!!