Time for a CHANGE?

I have been reading several comments today from friends and on Facebook as well about people thinking about CHANGE. It's hard to think abut getting out of your comfort zone and into the unfamiliar. It means new situations, new obligations or maybe something that makes you feel the dreaded word... uncomfortable.

Sometimes the BIGGEST personal growth comes from stepping out what you are use to and into a new place. Maybe a new house, a new job, new relationship (or ending a current one), and yes.. maybe even a new commitment in your fitness and health. Don't be afraid to change whatever it is that is SCREAMING at you. You will not be alone! Certainly are people here who have had to make whatever the change is you are thinking about. This site is here for SO much more than just your fitness.... Its for friendships, support, accountability, honesty, and motivation. Take a GOOD look around you. I promise you have support! Thank you and go ahead, jump out of the boat and learn to swim (or learn to swim a different way)

Stephanie Filakosky :)