Water is so hard to drink.



  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    i drink way more than 8 cups or pints a day usually more than I log... and yeah so, I pee a lot but not as frequently as I used to but sometimes for longer durations... I don't think adding flavour helps nearly as much as the knowledge of WHY we need to drink water in the first place...

    Humans are 50 -70% water but not in equal amounts eg blood is 90% water, Muscle is 72% and Fat is only 15%
    you can live without food a lot longer than without water...we need water to:

    make digestion possible
    carry nutrients through the system
    lubricate joints
    serve as shock absorber
    maintain body temperature
    rid the body of waste products through urine, sweat
    keep skin supple
    assist muscular contraction

    often people attribute symptoms of simple dehydration to stress and lack of sleep etc... but here are some early warning signs:
    Dizziness, Headache, Fatigue, Thirst, Flushed skin, Blurred vision and muscle weakness... in extreme cases, symptoms will include constipation and in the long-term ...kidney stones.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I have a 3 cup water bottle. I try to drink one before lunch, one before dinner, and one as soon after before bedtime as I can. If I drink hot herbal tea I count that as water. Propel is a drink powder without hardly any calories, or artificial colors or sweeteners. It taste good to me. Plus it has vitamines and minerals. So I did use that until I got used to drinking the water.

    How I got used to drinking was trying so hard every day. I thought my water bottle only held 2 cups of water! So I actually kept trying so hard to overdo it! Doing just 8 cups of water was so much easeier after! Now I hardly drink diet soda because it tastes wierd to me, and I am so busy drinking my water.
  • pghfan
    pghfan Posts: 119
    If you can find it, I recommend the Mio Liquid water enhancer. No calories, sodium, etc. and a squirt or two makes water delicious. Comes in several flavors, peach tea, lemon, fruit punch, etc. I love it!
  • kamory
    kamory Posts: 2
    What about spring water? That is what I drink and it goes down much easier than tap.
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Now I hardly drink diet soda because it tastes wierd to me, and I am so busy drinking my water.

    Nammy i am forever trying to get my teenager to quit drinking diet soda -- I blame myself for forbidding him to drink it when he was a little guy -- i think it's just SO bad...that and those Energy Drinks, but anyway...
    i used to drink tons of fancy mineral waters -- Pellegrino, Perrier and eventually Club Soda but partly from keeping the MFP journal and probably also because I mentioned it to my dentist -- how those club soda cans were just so convenient... and he gave me a little reality check and told me to stop drinking that carbonated crap and keep a jug of _real water_ in the fridge and that if I drank plenty of it not only would my muscles not be so sore, but my teeth will thank me for it, too :)
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    Buy a large water bottle. I have a 32 oz. that I keep with me at ALL times. It will become a habit to drink from the bottle throughout the day. I can easily drink five 32 oz. bottles a day and sometimes more.

    +1, that works for me too. You just have to re-program yourself do it and enjoy it. Water is essential for metabolism, you up your water consumption and you'll see the results.

    I also enjoy water at room temp.
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    You don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. The original recommendation was for the *equivalent* of 8 glasses of *fluid* each day. We get fluid from what we eat too.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    When I had teens their Grandma would buy them soda and I wasn't raised with it, so had a hangup that it was bad. They all guzzled it! Especially when we didn't have it!! Then I married another guy who only drank that, and all cola hell broke lose! He even gave it to my toddler who promptly got bad teeth and the dentist told him not to because he didn't realize it was bad when I told him! Now the big kids drink a lot of water, so maybe (maybe) I had something to do with that in the beginning. One has a toddler and gives her water!

    For the teens when they were in their cola frenzy stage (because I didn't allow it, then new step dad did) I tried to get them to drink water and other things. I bought one of those jugs that filter and also hold water and they really liked that. It was in the fridge and looked like special water. They DID drink that!
  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    Drank 8 pints today already :) used a little fresh lemon yummy
  • I say to myself everyday that I will drink 8 pints of water a day and can barely make it to 4, I try so hard but I just can't do it. Sometime I add juice to it but I really would rather eat my calories than drink them away.
    Anyone else have this problem or ways to help?

    I have the exact same thing
  • Choirgirl37
    Choirgirl37 Posts: 255
    For me, it depends on the type of water. I must have either distilled or spring water or its a no go. For the longest time, I could only get down distilled. You should perform a taste test. Gather some distilled, spring water, and facet water. See which tastes better to you.
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Does Ice tea count? Its mostly water right!?LOL
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Try getting Raspberry Lemon water from Sonic! It is SO GOOD and the flavoring has no calories. Helps me with my water intake and they only charge 30cents!
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