Team 420 starting Monday 4/11



  • mustang731
    Try edys slow churned icecream they have several flavors its only 120 calories and tastes great, you could probably get away with a serving of choco dip once in a while with it. Try eating it really sloooow with a baby spoon that might help with not eating more than you really wanted to. If there is something specific u want wait till easter and go for it is my opinion.
  • GetmyBitsfit
    GetmyBitsfit Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join the team. I'm a newbie to MFP. Started tracking on Monday. It really is amazing to watch how calories are in the things I LOVE.... this really does help me stay accountable and on track. Also acts as extra motivation to work out especially when you go over your calorie budget. Looking to drop 40lbs.. Could definitely use any motivation, tips and support.

    Thanks all :wink:
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    I love the waiting until Easter idea! I'm having a better time resisting today. Maybe I can hold out until Sunday. I guess we are celebrating my Aunt's birthday. I think I'll bring my own portion controled desert, LOL!! Maybe some Edy's slow churned, sounds Delish!!!
  • jacquejl
    jacquejl Posts: 193 Member
    Well, it was a tough weekend for keeping track of things. Saturday was all about Prom and my daughter was beautiful! And Sunday revolved around my Aunt's Birthday. I wouldn't even know how to begin to track what we ate. My mom made breakfast pizzas, mimosas (sp?), carmel rolls, and a strawberry cheesecake danish instead of birthday cake. Well, I tried to eat as little of it as I could and I'm ready to start fresh today as this is the 1st day of the challenge, right? :bigsmile: Here's to day 1 :drinker:
  • mollymoose
    Please friend me and count me in.......I find it sooo difficult to NOT snack.............