Question for the ladies....



  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    Ugggggggh! I'm glad you posted this I was afraid of doing so yesterday. I totally understand :explode: I didn't believe it PMS & cravings and all the HORMONAL changes until I worked in Obstetrics & Gynecology for a while.

    I learned tremendously :ohwell:

    Well, I had a small chocolate slice today because of this so I will have to work off my booty .
    the week before, I eat everything in sight! it's ridiculous!
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    About a week and a half before my TOM, I go crazy out of control with my eating. I want to eat, and all the time. Junk food, too. It's never pretty. I try to stick it out and continue to eat healthy, just eat more...but I give in and eat a few bad things a week.