bike riding

Oliversmummyx Posts: 50
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
Yay!! Finally ordered a bike seat for my little boy so now ill be able to go out on plenty of rides on my days off, and as a family at weekends.
Ideally I'm looking to tone up the old 'thunder thighs'!! ;-) I reckon I could go at least 3 times a week......I know this isn't a lot but its all I can spare and some efforts better than none hey!?!
My question many miles do I need to do each ride to make some difference? ( bearing in mind the additional weight of a 17lb baby too!

Here's to some fun rides ahead


  • allen83
    allen83 Posts: 17
    I biked for 80 - 120 minutes a day 5 days a week for 3 months straight and while my lower legs are really toned, my thighs are still quite flabby, sure I lost a bit of fat off my thighs but I'd suggest a different exercise if you really want to concentrate on that part of your body.
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