My right knee is killing me!- 30 Day Shred

ruhimaach Posts: 171
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
I've done 30 Day shred for 9 days now. (6 days Level 1 & 3 days Level 2 with a rest day thrown in). I did Level 1 yesterday and my right knee is really hurting today. I am having trouble climbing stairs & even walking! :'( Do you guys exercise even though you feel like your knee's gonna give away?

Level 2 doesn't have that many jumping jacks (except warm up)- So I'm a little tempted to do level 2 tonight. What do you think?


  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    I am on level one day 5 of the shred. I wear a knee brace at all times, even when I'm not working out. It really helps. You can get one at Wal mart or your local drug store for pretty cheap. Mine is made by ACE and it just slides over my knee. I am going to go to the dr though just to make sure I didn't tear anything, but the brace really helps a lot. Good luck!!
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    Listen to your body. If you've hurt yourself take a couple days off that video and get your knee back into tip top working order. If you continue on you will hurt it more and risk not being able to exercise for longer.

    I had to stop 30DS because my body just wasn't having it. I hurt my wrist and couldn't move it for almost a week. Then again I've heard that video isn't meant for people over 350lbs but I did my best and finished it but my body just wasn't having it.
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Both my knees give me trouble. Been the the doc nothin' up probably worn cartilage or something. I wanted to run so bad today but I didn't cause the pain was real bad,.. so I rode my bike. Got a good burn according to my Polar HRM, 500+ cals in 50 minutes and it was hard! You think you're so much improved on running then BAM throw in a bike and you're like so pathetic... Lol.

    I say try variety.. Some push through the pain, I do - but pay for it usually.. Get it looked at. I might too - again, but doc's up here in Canada don't know their hands from anothers hands...srs..
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Dble Post.
  • sweetbri07
    sweetbri07 Posts: 150 Member
    You need to give your knee a break for a bit, get some ice on it right away, take some aleve or some kind of anti-inflammatory. If it doesnt get any better, get it checked out by a doctor.
  • yepratt
    yepratt Posts: 26
    Hello! Let's start by asking this question, are you wearing the proper tennis shoes? It sounds like you are doing one of those extreme workouts that require you to do alot of jumping, quick movements and squats? My suggestion ( from experience) is to modify your movements, and try a few days of Motrin 3 times a day(take with food) I would tell you to try some other exercise until your knee feels better, but if you are like me you won't. Good luck!!
  • goatstew
    goatstew Posts: 50
    Other exercises that elevate your HR and don't stress your knees might be good for a day or two. Like boxing or swimming. I would talk to a doctor if the pain persists though.
  • carlydonathan
    carlydonathan Posts: 27 Member
    I had the same issues when I was doing the 30DS. I couldn't do the level 2, not because I wasn't fit enough, but because it jerked around my knees and wrists to the point where it would hurt. Try JM's other DVDs like Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Fat Zones, they are challenging yet not as high impact.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    If your knee hurts I wouldnt work out on it... you dont want to injure it more than it already is. When I first started doing 30DS my knee started to ache also and I stopped because of it.. I also got shin splints cause of all the jumping jacks but now that it has been a long while since I started to exercise my endurance is much greater and I dont really get those pains anymore.. well at least not in my knee lol. Get some rest.. listen to your body
  • anna441
    anna441 Posts: 253 Member
    I had the same problem while doing 30 DS....

    So when I was doing the knee circle while warm up...I did the reverse circle with my knee and it kinds a help me and ease my discomfort.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Everyone, Thank you for the lovely feedback! To answer your questions, I don't have proper running shoes. I have my usual Nikes. I wore that for a couple of days, then plain socks and now, I exercise on bare feet because that's what's most comfortable for me! I do use exercise mats.

    I think it's a great idea to buy some knee support wear from Walmart/Walgreens! I'll look into that for sure. I would love to try some other type of exercise, but I don't have access to a gym here. I have a swimming pool, but I've never used it! My husband is paranoid abt letting me swim alone without any lifeguards. Yeah, I know. :love:

    Anyway, I did about 40 mins of casual walking at work to burn some calories. I hate doing Level 1 because my knee starts acting up after doing all that jumping jack and jump rope! I was fine doing Level 2- I don't know if that's funny, but I like Level 2 more than Level 1.

    I am unfit for sure, but not that unfit I guess. I weight abt 156 lbs right now. I really wanted to exercise today to burn some extra calories.
  • ruhimaach
    ruhimaach Posts: 171
    Hello! Let's start by asking this question, are you wearing the proper tennis shoes? It sounds like you are doing one of those extreme workouts that require you to do alot of jumping, quick movements and squats? My suggestion ( from experience) is to modify your movements, and try a few days of Motrin 3 times a day(take with food) I would tell you to try some other exercise until your knee feels better, but if you are like me you won't. Good luck!!

    I guess I AM like you! :flowerforyou: Doing everything to hurt my body, but enjoying the pain? Dunno. LOL.
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