Very frustrated....



  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    You need to exercise because your body requires it to be fit. You need lean muscle and the more muscle you have the more efficient your metabolism, the more calories you burn just being. Although many times we think of exercise as a means to an end (to lose weight) it really is more than that, it's good for you. There are numerous studies that have proven the advantages of exercise.
    You need a certain number of calories to exist, (the experts say, for women that number is minimum 1200 without exercise) when you fall below that level your body tries to conserve what you're giving it. True, the idea behind losing weight is calories in/calories out but your system will rebel if you're not giving it adequate fuel to exist. It does seem counter-intuitive to eat more to lose weight but it's a good thing, you can eat more AND lose weight! Give it a try.
  • missfitp
    missfitp Posts: 33 Member
    Wow I have learned something new today. I'm on the same boat and I'm going on my 4th week of no weight loss, but I was doing the same thing you were. I'm going to try eating more, so I trick my body into believing it has to burn more. The way I understand it is if I eat healthy food, my body will think it has to burn calories, but it will burn the fat and not the protein and healthy food I'm actually eating. I'm not sure if I made sense, but what everyone posted on here made sense to me. THANK YOU MFP Community!!!!!
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